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Old 2013-02-07, 12:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
HiroshiChugi's Avatar
Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

So I was cruising through the Idea Vault and found this comment:

Originally Posted by Brogan View Post
I actually was thinking the same thing recently. I was thinking that artillery would be a great benefit to the game.

One thing I would do to prevent spamming besides the deployment limit (I liked that) would be limited ammo, low rate of fire, and having a higher chance of being detected once you fire.

Another idea that I had would be an assault gun or tank destroyer. Basically a low profile tank, with no turret and the gun in the hull with a limited traverse (say, 15-30 degrees). Look up the Panzerjagers from World War Two for good examples. Basically these have good frontal armor (but side and rear is another story) and good stealth because of the low profile. They are used for ambush tactics. What I want these to do is promote strategic thinking. A perfect example is countering a blitz. You lure them into a trap, preferably a Valley or settlement, forcing the enemy into single or double file. Then concentrated fire will make short work. This also promotes a wider variety of vehicles in blitzes, because air superiority and fast redeployment can save the day for the attackers. I am kinda sick of seeing endless conga lines of MBTs.
Focus mainly on this part:

Originally Posted by Brogan View Post
Another idea that I had would be an assault gun or tank destroyer. Basically a low profile tank, with no turret and the gun in the hull with a limited traverse (say, 15-30 degrees). Look up the Panzerjagers from World War Two for good examples. Basically these have good frontal armor (but side and rear is another story) and good stealth because of the low profile. They are used for ambush tactics. What I want these to do is promote strategic thinking. A perfect example is countering a blitz. You lure them into a trap, preferably a Valley or settlement, forcing the enemy into single or double file. Then concentrated fire will make short work. This also promotes a wider variety of vehicles in blitzes, because air superiority and fast redeployment can save the day for the attackers.
My thoughts are that this would be an amzing thing to add. as Brogan stated, "They are used for ambush tactics," and "promote strategic thinking." As well all know, PS2 needs a way of countering zergs. This would work AMAZINGLY! I mean, after all, how hard is it to predict a zerg's next move and/or attack point. sit behind some hills, or trees, or whatevs, wait for the zerg to come by, and immediately pop out and fire shells on their asses. Perfect ambush. This would also cause more strategic thinking. For example:

Typical zerg commander sentence: "Ok zerg, we are going to go to <capture poitn name> then once we capture it, we will go to <capture point name> by going <insert travel plan here>."

Zerg commander sentence AFTER the ambush: "Well holy f*ck tards, we got our asses handed to us. Maybe we need to rethink our plan off attack. Maybe meet up at <capture point name> in groups, attack from different directions, <various other attack plans needing multiple strategies>.

Problem solved, no?

Edit: Grammar.

Last edited by HiroshiChugi; 2013-02-07 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 2013-02-07, 12:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

I'd much rather see Engineer Turrets fill this role than a mobile platform.
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Old 2013-02-07, 01:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Artillery and Low Profile tank destroyers? That would be perfect for defending AMP Stations and Tech Plants and even other smaller bases.

With the artillery I like the idea of low ammo supply as well as low reload time and zero stealth capabilities. Maybe add very weak armor and slow speed as well.

And for the tank destroyer. Out maneuvering and hitting it in the sides and rear would be a good tactic because is has max armor in the front and low on the sides and rear.
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Old 2013-02-07, 01:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Technically you can already do something like a tank destroyer, just put an AP turret on a Lightning. Though the lack of gun stabilisation kind of kills that concept a bit.
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Old 2013-02-07, 01:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

It would be awesome to have a couple arty gunners and an infiltrator team up to pop attacking sundys.
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Old 2013-02-07, 02:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
HiroshiChugi's Avatar
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Exactly my point, we need these aspects in the game. It would definately improve the Meta Game.
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Old 2013-02-07, 03:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Staff Sergeant
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

The Vanu already have a tank destroyer style tank. So if they developed ES tank destroyers, they could convert the magrider to that, and then make a Vanu tank with a rotating turret.
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Old 2013-02-07, 04:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Shooting behind a small hill or crest is a much needed ability for groundforces.
It should mark the artillery outomatically on the map after a couple of rounds are fired, to prevent invisible, permanent deathrain - you should have to relocate your arti if you fired your rounds. It should have a relatively short range (definitely not further then 300m). I'm more thinking of small mortars instead of giant howitzers. It wouldn't be fun to have unreachable Zephyr launchers that bombard you.

Tank destroyer isn't needed. AP Turrets already do a good job at sniping enemy tanks.

Zerg commander sentence AFTER the ambush: "Well holy f*ck tards, we got our asses handed to us. Maybe we need to rethink[...]
rethink? hahaha, i don't think you know how a zerg works Once a Zerg is repelled everything will spread again and most people will be on a vehicle cooldown timer, so will spawn somewhere where there is infantry action going on.
There's no "think" in a zerg. It's a mindless horde basically. You can guide that by simple orders (provided only one does it, and it's consistent). Demand complex tasks and everything will fall apart.

"What? Walk around that outpost? Screw that, i'm going to crown(tm)."

Last edited by Killjaeden; 2013-02-07 at 04:12 PM.
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Old 2013-02-08, 07:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
HiroshiChugi's Avatar
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Basically that's what we need to get rid of in this game, mindless zerg attacks. We need more strategy. I'm not sure how to fully get rid of or nearly get rid of zergs, but it needs to be done.
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Old 2013-02-08, 07:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Rothnang's Avatar
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

I would prefer it if you could build a stationary anti-tank cannon with a restricted firing arc with an Engineer, or maybe with some kind of special construction vehicle. (Maybe this could be a buggy cert, since Anti Tank guns are typically towed behind a jeep or similar vehicle)

They wouldn't have a lot of traverse, and would be imobile, but pack a mean punch with AP shells.
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Old 2013-02-08, 08:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Canaris's Avatar
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

IIRC back in development the dev's weren't keen on adding vehicles that did indirect fire like an artillery piece and I can't say I disagree with them.

I was never big into the indirect weapons of Planetside 1, the Flail, Radiator or for that matter the NC's Phoenix missile launcher. Which I hope has had a major make over for it's return this month because any weapon you get to use while hiding your ass inside a building or behind a mountain is super lame imo, in Planetside 2 it would be even worse. NC would never need to leave the spawn rooms. I need to go walk off my rant anger now

"Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean shit, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it! If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight. "
Slim Charles aka Tallman - The Wire
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Old 2013-02-08, 08:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Sergeant Major
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

A specialist tank-destroyer turret for the Lightning could work well IMO - give it very high anti-armour damage but zero rotation (and have it buff the Lightning's front armour too, if possible).

With it's speed, low profile and light armour the Lightning is a natural fit as a tank-destroyer - it's already reliant on ambush tactics if it ever wants to kill MBTs, this kind of specialist turret would just reinforce that and give it the tools it needs to actually make a success of it.

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Old 2013-02-08, 09:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

Originally Posted by Canaris View Post
IIRC back in development the dev's weren't keen on adding vehicles that did indirect fire like an artillery piece and I can't say I disagree with them.

I was never big into the indirect weapons of Planetside 1, the Flail, Radiator or for that matter the NC's Phoenix missile launcher. Which I hope has had a major make over for it's return this month because any weapon you get to use while hiding your ass inside a building or behind a mountain is super lame imo, in Planetside 2 it would be even worse. NC would never need to leave the spawn rooms. I need to go walk off my rant anger now
For the record, I'm hoping the new Phoenix is laser guided rather than 'wire guided'.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2013-02-08, 06:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Staff Sergeant

Originally Posted by HiroshiChugi View Post
Basically that's what we need to get rid of in this game, mindless zerg attacks. We need more strategy. I'm not sure how to fully get rid of or nearly get rid of zergs, but it needs to be done.
I think incentivizing small unit action while discouraging excessive grouping through xp rewards/penalties would go a long way in solving the zerg problem. The planned player created mission content could go a long way in fulfilling this. Currently the reward mechanic
in the game encourages grouping because it's the most effective way to get certs quickly and easily, and there's no penalization for it. Zerging is a symptom of the game design, so the most effective method in dealing with it would be to treat the cause rather than the symptom. Deal with the why rather than the how.

Simply giving players a tool to deal with massed enemies could turn into a double edged sword, since the zerg could take that tool and use it themselves.

Originally Posted by Rothnang View Post
I would prefer it if you could build a stationary anti-tank cannon with a restricted firing arc with an Engineer, or maybe with some kind of special construction vehicle. (Maybe this could be a buggy cert, since Anti Tank guns are typically towed behind a jeep or similar vehicle)

They wouldn't have a lot of traverse, and would be imobile, but pack a mean punch with AP shells.

I believe they already have AV versions of the MANA turret in the works.

Originally Posted by Ertwin View Post
The Vanu already have a tank destroyer style tank. So if they developed ES tank destroyers, they could convert the magrider to that, and then make a Vanu tank with a rotating turret.

while I would love changing the magrider into something more analogous to the other tanks (which would be easier to balance), I'm pretty sure most other people would oppose this.

Originally Posted by Gatekeeper View Post
A specialist tank-destroyer turret for the Lightning could work well IMO - give it very high anti-armour damage but zero rotation (and have it buff the Lightning's front armour too, if possible).

With it's speed, low profile and light armour the Lightning is a natural fit as a tank-destroyer - it's already reliant on ambush tactics if it ever wants to kill MBTs, this kind of specialist turret would just reinforce that and give it the tools it needs to actually make a success of it.
A lightning with AP, front Armor and rival chassis already fills this role. The only thing it's missing from what you describe is the fixed gun position, which doesn't really serve a game play function other than turning it into a mini-mag that can't strafe.

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Old 2013-02-08, 10:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Re: Possible New Type of Heavy Armor Maybe?

If you want to slow and attrit a zerg, I know no better way than a PS1 minefield ringed by Spitfire turrets.

We need to revive the concept of the minefield as an area-denial weapon. You can't do that with three or four killer-diller mines. Only with lots of relatively weak ones.
No XP for capping empty bases -- end the ghost-zerg! 12-hour cooldown timers on empire swaps -- death to the 4th Empire!
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