VS-Miller [Mission Possible]
I'm recruiting for a freshly started outfit called "Mission Possible"
We are (ex) competitive bf3 players.
The goal of this outfit is to form a small group of skilled pilots, tankers and to roll with and support the bigger zergs rather then coordinating an attack by ourselves.
The outfit will be vehicle based, there will be infantry action too, but in less amounts (altough during your playtime you are fully free to decide wether you squad up or not.
We currently only have 3 members of wich 2 are Belgian and 1 is Swedish (Ofcourse all nationalities are allowed in our outfit!).
We are particulary looking for:
Scythe, Lib pilots
(Everyone is allowed to join, altough pilots get priority at the moment)
We currently have no teamspeak 3 server anymore, as my old one expired, but once my exams are over (26 march) I'm renting a new one, for now we use skype.
Hope to see you guys soon!
Add me in game and ask for a tryout! INGAME-NAME: HotNSpicy