Ok so here's the deal. Yesterday I bought the game and patched it up from beta. Hijinks is a friend from RL and he pretty much hates the NC, but that was the side the outfit had all more or less agreed to play on our primary server. Personally, I could hardly care less which empire I play, although I must admit to loving the hell out of the Jackhammer. I call him and taunt him because he was still at work and I was about to start playing.
Hijinks: Don't go NC, make a TR
Me: WTF? No, TR is at 38%, NC is 31% and VS is 27% (why don't the character select percentages ever add up to 100? Nice rounding, guy).
Hijinks: Eff NC. Go VS then..
Me: Whatever.
So I get into a good squad and jump up to level 5 by the time the bastard gets home with his copy. My phone rings.
Hijinks: TR is down to 31% and the empires are pretty much all even now.
Me: Fuck you. I guess you want me to reset to TR now.
To make a long story short, now I'm BR 5 with TR, and while it is cool to not care about looting my medium assault rifle anymore, the outfit is now divided on which side to join with a nearly even split among the people who really care. It looks like it may come down to my deciding vote, but I don't feel strongly one way or another.
Damnit, dmanit damint.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]