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Old 2003-06-05, 02:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
Matri00's Avatar
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well ur stats mean how much more of a maniac u r which proves u live in ur mothers basment...
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Old 2003-06-05, 03:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
Ok your right

yes I did complain there. I was saying that sure TR has better maxs. sure NC has the phoenix that thing can kill a max easily. VS has that damn thing that causes aggravated damage. I'm just simple saying empires have there strong and weak points.
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Old 2003-06-06, 12:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Originally posted by MJBuddy
if u were vanu of NC, ud complain too, but because u win so easily, u think its just ur mad skillz instead of the truth
i couldnt have said it better myself. Halo you are just pointing out yourself istead of you empire. And you do think its your mad skills.
You are not getting the full picture and so what your Br 13. Im br 16 and i dont even play that much. you need to realize that when there are thousands of people playing at one time there is no "orginazation" and that everyones skills basically balance out. Sure you may have a few stand out playeres like Massah or whatever but when it comes down to the truth, which you I may point out are to afraid to face, you are only winning because your empire is better. not the people in it but the things in it. A few players and so called orginazation DONT COME INTO PLAY when there are thousands playing at once. Why cant you just realize this.
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Old 2003-06-06, 12:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #49
Ryuuji's Avatar

Hey Halo *** 69 I just wanted to let you know that your mother got me off last night if you know what Im saying, Im guessing that your mom didnt get you off, it was your dad in your A$$ and your brother on your D%$#, well I could spell it right but the PSU wouldnt take to kindly of it so just letting you know that this has nothing to do with this thread, but I think that this was really urgent. Now if you will excuse me, my girl needs some attention

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Old 2003-06-06, 03:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #50

Kids are annoying.

Last edited by HaloGod666; 2003-06-06 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 2003-06-06, 12:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Okay, he gets owned and all he has to say is kids are annoying: I was hoping for some satifaction.
Oh well, he couldnt make a comeback, so that must mean the NC did do well.

I really think the NC is improving: yesterday we had like 3 continents for a good bit of time and we almost had solsar.

But the tides change quickly, and later that night we had no continents; in fact we had like nothing. Oh well its just how the tables turn. But I like being the underdog.
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Old 2003-06-06, 12:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #52

Actually I didn't get owned yesterday for some reason all we were fighting was Vanu on Ishunder. I only saw 3 NC people the whole day yesterday. As for you and your outfit member both of you kids annoy the living hell out of me because calling somebody a grundel and *** are for 10 year old. I find myself responding to you kids and I have no idea why I lower my self to your IQ levels.

Also about your BR rank Onizuka I could careless. I am more proud of my CR then anything else. Any moron can run around and get EXP from jumping into a base that is going to be hacked and get exp, your BR is proof of that. Now go play in the streets kids maybe you can get ran over
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Old 2003-06-06, 01:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

ya thats what i do i leach xp i only have 350 or so kills. I know it sucks but anyways, a) we are not 10 b) I AM SMARTER THAN YOU c) i know people that you dont even know, that visit these forums and dont even post, and dislike you (but im sure you gonna say i dont care, but i know you do, i know).

You must think, would someone just call you a grundel eater out of the blue.... no, theres obviously a reason.

I never called you a physco, never a kid, but i did something much worse that im almost sorry for, I made a point. Your trying to deny it.

I dont know hold old you are and i dont really care, but you really really need to lighten up. Im sure your nice its just you dont talk that way. I mean, when your a terran and 666 is in your name, that really doesnt help you become friends with anyone does it lol.

btw, what do you mean dip to your iq. You cant dip your iq. Do you mean standard, lowness something of that nature. oh nm. peace out
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Old 2003-06-06, 01:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
Ryuuji's Avatar

Hey Onizuka I'm totally backing you up on that, and plus that your are totally right on that, HaloGod66 if actually say something posotive and not be a total *** about it I will actually post soemthng nice about you ok man, your going to post something stupid and insult me, but hey man I got nothing on you for the moment becuase my girl is out working and I have to leave right now but hey man, just lighten up a bit
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Old 2003-06-06, 03:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #55
Master Sergeant
MJBuddy's Avatar

We won again...gj u must be letting us win right?
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Old 2003-06-06, 04:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Originally posted by MJBuddy
u must be letting us win right?
ya lol thats what theyd say. But seriously, we only "won" by .4%, while technically we still won, not by much. All the TR had to do was get like 2 more bases and they would have one. We were really lucky "_"
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Old 2003-06-06, 05:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
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Winged_Nazgul's Avatar

It's always better to be lucky than good, I always say.
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Old 2003-06-06, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Master Sergeant
MJBuddy's Avatar

also, Halo is NOT a true FPS because it doesnt lag, dumbshit

Have u even played Halo online? i mean c'mon, it lags like an unholy bitch

Dont brag just because u can beat ur shitty friends at it. Hell, all it takes is accuracy(it has Auto-Aim) and tactical play to win
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Old 2003-06-09, 04:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #59
Lieutenant Colonel

Me LAUGHS at the TR for there denile
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Old 2003-06-09, 09:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #60
One thing I have noticed

Ever notice that all the people (or at least all I have seen) complaining about TR maxs are all on the Emerald server? Could it be the reason TR allways dominates is because maybe there are more TR then NC or VS? I'm trying to start something but I just noticed that the majority of the people saying that TR maxs are to strong happen to be on the emerald server. or at least claim to be.

Last edited by JakeLogan; 2003-06-09 at 09:18 AM.
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