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Old 2003-06-10, 12:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #106
Lieutenant Colonel

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *takes breath*MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA me laughs at TekDragon
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Old 2003-06-10, 01:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #107
Happy lil Elf
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Tek in another flame war. Why am I not suprised?

Anyway, yes smoking pot is illegal. Whether it's moral or not will depend entirely upon who you ask since pot smoking really doesn't fall into the black and white part of right and wrong.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-06-10, 01:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #108
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Whoa, this thread got farther than I thought. I was usre it was going to be locked in ten minutes.
Originally posted by firecrackerNC
yes,1/3 car accidents the driver had weed in him
Anyway, just saw this and had to comment. Propoganda. They fail to mention everything else in their sytems, don't they? That's also 1/3 accidents had weed involved (such as in the car), not necessarily in either of the guys' systems. 1/3 is also slightly rounded up, but that's not a big thing. Not advertising pot or anything, read my previous posts. I'm objective in this subject. I've seen the bad side of it in people, and I know many people who it has little affect on their lives long-term other than drain their money.
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Old 2003-06-10, 01:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #109
Teh Masturbator
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Originally posted by TekDragon
Youve flamed me, insulted me, and sparked a series of other flames. All I ask is that you, for ONCE, respond in an intellegent manner.
Hypocricy at it's best. Pot. Kettle. Black. YES!

Originally posted by TekDragon

where Squeeky failed through narrowminded bigotry

Originally posted by TekDragon
They dont bend over and take anything the government says up the ass the way some people do (Squeeky).
Originally posted by TekDragon
Id like to see what prejudice bigots like Squeeky have to say when "daddy government" tells them its morally ok. It must be easy to live life like you Squeeky: Not thinking, not learning, just forming opinions based on ignorance and swinging your prejudices around like a bat.

Originally posted by TekDragon
Who the fuk made you God Squeeky? You fucking bigot. People like you make me sick. You have NO education on a subject and yet you form an opinion and swing it around like a bat. You ignorant child.
Originally posted by TekDragon

You keep taking the high moral road Squeeky. The fact is you came on this thread to flame me for something you know nothing about. You flamed me, called me stupid, insinuated anyone that smokes marijuana in their leisure time is stupid, and then tried taking the moral high ground.
Originally posted by TekDragon
You are a hypocrite. Period. Squeeky started off this entire flame fest by insulting my intellegence. Then when I defend my intellegence, you flame me for defending it. Again, you are a hypocrite.
Originally posted by TekDragon
Squeeky may be a ignorant bigot, but at least he knows how to keep on the topic.

Gah, Hypocricy at it's best. I flamed you? I simply stated that smoking marijuana is fucking stupid, because it is, i also said i would wipe my ass with any PM you sent me but thats not too harsh is it? oh, and i also told you to read a high times mag but you probably already do. I never called you fucking stupid, go re-read my post's and then appologize and i may forgive you for your jumping to conclusions and hypocritical ways.

Originally posted by TekDragon
for ONCE, respond in an intellegent manner.
I already did that.

Originally posted by Squeeky
I'm sorry im not cool cause i dont use illegal narcotics. Marijuana is just fucking stupid, and if you use it, your just as fucking stupid. Go read a high times mag if you want advice on how to get stoned, this isnt the place.

Last edited by Squeeky; 2003-06-10 at 01:47 AM.
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Old 2003-06-10, 01:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #110
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Not to fight his battles for him, but this is a principle, here.
Originally posted by Squeeky
Marijuana is just fucking stupid, and if you use it, your just as fucking stupid. Go read a high times mag if you want advice on how to get stoned, this isnt the place.
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Old 2003-06-10, 02:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #111
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Originally posted by TekDragon
Onizuka, thank you.
no, thank you. youre a very very very very very good and logical arguer that organizes his thoughts well. Too bad you do drugs

Here, i belive, you are making a fallacy. You are relating a death to marijuana use. Quite simply, it is impossible to overdose (OD) on marijuana. That is one of the primary reasons it is a level 4 drug. The other reason, Onizuka, is that the addictiveness of marijuana has never been proven. Almost all independent studies have shown that their is NO physical addiction. The only addiction is psychological.. the same way people are addicted to good food and great sex.
so if you smoked 50 blunts nothing would happen..... oh really. Oh and level 4 my ass it could be level 99 for all i care. Im not being ignorant, you are just looking at too many misguided, and sometimes bias facts. Does it matter if its a physical addiction or psychological addiction: no. As long as they both do the same thing, i see no difference. People can argue about anything like shoplifting should be legal if you get away with it, but in the end, human morallity must be shown. Why do you think the us gov has made marijuana illegal? It being illegal and you braking a law should be enough to deture you from even doing marijuana but it obviously isnt. This shows what kind of person you are: you brake a law, announce it, and try to actually convince people that you are not doing anything at all wrong.

Your plea for pity for the families is a good one, but its off base. Why would a family suffer because a brother or sister or teenage child used marijuana? There is only one logical reason: They would suffer because of the police supression.
they would suffer because a family member is doing something harmful to their body, and braking the law. They would also worry about them being arrested, and this is true, but if they are it is that persons fault (the person using marijuana) and not the gov. simply because the person using knew of the consiquences and decided to do it anyway.

That brings me straight back to the orginal point i made. People, like you, have the mindset that using marijuana is 'dangerous'. The ONLY reason marijuana is dangerous is because the government MAKES it dangerous. I wont go into how much of your taxes go into inefectual rehab (for marijuana patients, i do not doubt the necesity of coke/heroin rehabilitation) and jail cells for marijuana users. All of that despite the stunning lack of proof that it is dangerous.
Marijuana is dangerous to your health, try denying that (you probabley will). And how does the gov MAKE marijuana dangerous? it would be just as dangerous as if it were legallized.

Yes. My family may cry because I use marijuana. They will NOT cry because it has hurt me directly. They will cry because the government punished me for it. Think on that for a moment please.
I didnt have to think on it because there was nothing to think about. This is what really pisses me off. "they will cry because the government punished me for it" Of course they would cry because of that, but you should be punished. Its just a hard hard realization for other people to take in: that is someone being punished for braking the law. Its all your fault the government set the rules and you broke them. They also set the punishments which you will follow. Why did you choose, yes YOU CHOSE to take this risk: so you can get high. but of course your not addicted *sarcasm*. If you dont like the way the gov. runs things, then move. Move to a country where you can run around and smoke marijuana all day.

I encourage you to do some independent research on the topic. You will find research from such high profile institutions as John Hopkins and Harvard Medical, just to name some of the high profile US ones.
i dont need to do research, not because im ignorant, but because i dont believe this arguement is about facts and research. I believe it is about human dignity to not brake the law, and to not need to get "high". Even if or when it is legallized what will these new "perceptions" bring us. You cant honestly say if the whole us was hooked on marijuana, things would run smoother and work would get down faster. think on that

I was already an 'A' student. The one thing i did say that i meant was that my homework and project grades improved.
well there you go, something did improve because you smoked marijuana, thats what i said. oh and i could tell you were an "A" student by your 1420 on the SAT

Ill tell you this though. I do get scared. I get very scared. I dont get scared of losing my brain... no. I dont get scared of losing my judgement... no. I get scared that "the man" is going to arrest me and ruin my life for my personal choice to smoke marijuana.
then why the hell did you choose to smoke it if your so "worried"

you argue very well, but it is all facts and no human heart. In the end, you will regret it IF you continue your actions.

*yawns* oooohhh that was tiring.

EDIT: oh and squeeky got you back good. ouch that must of hurt you mindlessly rambled about swinging a bat or some kind of crap like that, and say how stupid or "ignorant" squeeky is. All he had to do was quote you, not use a lot of words, just quote. Very very powerfull

Last edited by Onizuka; 2003-06-10 at 03:05 AM.
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Old 2003-06-10, 07:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #112
PSU Realdoll
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Squeek is right! (Squeeky fanboy to the rescue )
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Old 2003-06-10, 08:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #113
Roxxor your Boxxorz
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I'm sorry im not cool cause i dont use illegal narcotics. Marijuana is just fucking stupid, and if you use it, your just as fucking stupid. Go read a high times mag if you want advice on how to get stoned, this isnt the place.
Yes saying its fucking stupid is a real intelligent response

Marijuana is dangerous to your health, try denying that (you probabley will). And how does the gov MAKE marijuana dangerous? it would be just as dangerous as if it were legallized.
It is dangerous, but not as dangerous as ciggarettes hence you dont do it as often and most people use a filter. And while i agree that of course things would run differently if everyone was hooked on marijuna if they did it DAILY. But if everyone got high once in awile in their free time i dont think it would change much.

Last edited by Yuyi; 2003-06-10 at 08:58 AM.
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Old 2003-06-10, 09:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #114
TekDragon's Avatar

I'm sorry im not cool cause i dont use illegal narcotics. Marijuana is just fucking stupid, and if you use it, your just as fucking stupid. Go read a high times mag if you want advice on how to get stoned, this isnt the place.
Ill quote it once more just so he cant say he didnt see it.

Oh, and Squeeky? The difference between my flames and your flames is simple. You started it. Thats the first point. The second point is that my flames are all defined by your actions.

You acted in a close minded, bigoted, prejudice manner (see above quote). I call you out on it. Only in the loosest manner could that be called insulting. Im merely defining your charachter through your actions.

There were a few moments that i lost my temper and called you a vulgur name (ass-hat comes to mind) but i think i should be allowed that when you consider the fact that:

--YOU started this debate
--YOU opened it up with a bigoted, prejudice, unintellegent post
--YOU refuse to respond to ANY of the points on the original topic you started the debate on.
--YOU continue to use "straw man" tactics to avoid responding to the topic.

I wrote out a rather long essay on marijuana use and its affects and legal status. I asked you to respond to it. What did you do?

You went back, pulled up some quotes by me, posted them, pretended you were a great moral person that was feeling slighted, then ran with your tail between your legs.

Ok Squeeky. Now i am going to insult you. You are a pussy and a coward. You either dont have the intellegence to debate on a logical, intelectual level.. or your so imature that you get your jollies off sparking debates and then running.

Im thinking its a bit of both

Last edited by TekDragon; 2003-06-10 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 2003-06-10, 09:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #115
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Are you just about finished?

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Old 2003-06-10, 10:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #116
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Onizuka, good. Were getting close to something here. You asked some good questions and made some good statements. Your going in the right direction, your just on the wrong road.

Lemme see here...

so if you smoked 50 blunts nothing would happen..... oh really.
Yes, really. Well i mean.. you would be high as an ever-loving kite but thats it.

Marijuana (specifically THC) has a cut off level. You can ONLY get SO high with marijuana. Once you hit that level, adding more THC to the blood does nothing (except help prolong the current high).

I almost never smoke to excess. I know the high i enjoy (and can maintain proper social functions) and i dont try to go over it. I had read about the 'cut-off' several times and i always wondered if it was true.

I can say with authority that it IS true. On a trip to Amsterdam (my grauduation present, a trip to Czech Republic to stay with my GF. Dont think i went to europe just for amsterdam) me and my best friend had a bit of friendly competition. We kept trying to one up each other on how much weed we could smoke. Keep in mind amsterdam marijuana is VERY potent. Well, we hit our max highs about 30-45 minutes into it. We werent getting any higher and our throats were getting dry. We kept going for another 15 minutes and STILL werrent getting any higher so we figured fuk it and we went out and chilled on the main strip.

Does that explain anything?

People can argue about anything like shoplifting should be legal if you get away with it, but in the end, human morallity must be shown. Why do you think the us gov has made marijuana illegal? It being illegal and you braking a law should be enough to deture you from even doing marijuana but it obviously isnt. This shows what kind of person you are: you brake a law, announce it, and try to actually convince people that you are not doing anything at all wrong.
This is where i lost alot of my faith in you. First you start off by comparing personal, leisure use of marijuana... to shoplifting. Shoplifting is a crime. By stealing you are directly harming someone else. Our government was made to protect peoples freedom. By shoplifting you are imposing on somoene ELSES freedom. Thats why it is illegal.

Cocaine is illegal because it has a proven addiction and is very easy to overdose on. Some (not me, but im close) would say it should NOT be illegal because it only harms yourself. I disagree for the simple reason that cocaine addictions will cause people to lose all sence of judgement in their quest to get more. Thereby impugning on other people's freedoms.

You seem to think that marijuana is morally wrong for two reasons:
1. The government told you it was illegal.
2. The fact that the smoke harms you.

Ill start with the first one. The government told you it was illegal. For you to just simply accept this without thinking is the height of human evil. God gave you a brain. He gave you a concience. USE IT!!! Dont simply accept the hand outs. We BOTH know that murder is wrong. We accept it. We BOTH know that shoplifting is wrong. We accept it.

But tell me, is not wearing your seatbelt wrong? Who am i hurting? Myself?

Whats next Onizuka? Will I find cops patrolling the drive through at McDonalds because its not healthy? Will I suffer further blows to my freedom to be allowed to choose whether or not i wish to smoke cigarettes (i dont, i detest the habit.. but thats not the issue) simply because some liberal legislature wants to outlaw billboard signs for Winston?

You may laugh and say "Nah, your going in the wrong direction". Im not laughing Onizuka. Its people like YOU that are making these laws happen. People like YOU that blindly accept what the government says and doesnt question it.

It is your moral responcibility to question what the government gives us. Thats why this country is so great.

they would suffer because a family member is doing something harmful to their body, and braking the law.
The breaking the law part is the exact point im trying to make. Its hurting you because the government decided to throw a drug they didnt know anything about into the illegal category.

As for doing harm to the body... it has been proven inside and out, backwards and forwards, consitently and thouroughly that cigarettes and alcohol have MUCH greater risks to your health. Smoking a half pack of cigarettes a day (i know ppl who do 2 packs) were putting 4x to 5x more carcinogens in their lungs than people who smoked marijuana daily.

Shall I go quote the numbers of people who die in accidents because they didnt have their seatbelts? I shodnt have to. We both understand why the seatbelt law is unconstitutional. The same reason having cops patrolling the McDonald's drive through lane would be unconstitutional.

Onizaku it seems to be you keep going in circlular logic. Your main argument as to why marijuana is bad is because the government says its illegal. Since the government says its illegal that makes it bad. Since its bad the government made it illegal. Since the government made it illegal it means its bad. Since its bad the government made it illagal. etc.. etc.. etc..

Its circular logic, one of the most easily recognized and ludicrous fallacy in debate.

This same logic is why the Nazi party became so strong. People simply accepted what the government told them.

Now PLEASE dont think im saying our government is like the 'National Socialist' party. Im merely comparing the same side of the coin, only on a much lower scale.

The Nazi government made **** illegal. That makes **** bad. Since **** are bad the Nazi government made them illagal.

No. No. and NO!!!

Stop thinking with your government issued school textbook filled with the words of ignorant politicians who wodnt know the first thing about medicine. Start thinking with your head. Do some research.

Hell, go out and TRY marijuana (just be careful and do it in a smart way). Anyone here that has tried marijuana will attest to the fact that theres NOTHING wrong with trying it once... so long as you do it in a personall safe way (taking into account our government laws).

Marinate on that. Ill be back in a bit.
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Old 2003-06-10, 10:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #117
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Oh, and about the moral decision of smoking marijuana. If your willing to take the government's word on everything that is moral or not. How about the bible?

Even the christian bible mentions marijuana smoking, and condones it. I have to admit i cant go in and pull out the exact quote but i remember having a debate on it in college bible study.

Heck, how the hell do you think Moses saw a burning bush? Thats not even marijuana. Thats halucinagens, very prevalent during that time.

Ever read cliffnotes on the Koran? Studied buddhist philosophy? They all mention marijuana as a way of attaining spiritual enlightenment.

Im not saying i think itll get you closer to god. Personall i find that hogwash. But i do think the point should be made that if your gonna go on "morals" why not go to the source of US morals: the Christian religion.

We can be over-protective tight-pantied ***-bags running around like chickens with our heads cut off expecting this to be our "final hour" or we could just live our lives to the fullest extent until we die and not worry about how the world will end.
Lol, Onizuka! That pretty much summed it up for me I found that quote from you in the 50/50 apocolpyse thread.

Last edited by TekDragon; 2003-06-10 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 2003-06-10, 10:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #118
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Are you just about finished?
Oh im sorry Hamma. Did I violate some rule of the PSU "any topic" Lounge? Debating marijuana, its effects, and legislature on it in a logical, intelectual manner.... is that offending you?

Ill go back to joining the other posters talk about masturbation, which movies suck-ass more, and the ever-prevalent random outburst threads. If till make you happy.
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Old 2003-06-10, 10:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #119
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Thank you.

You are on the virge of violating our spamming rules with all these 20 page posts.

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Old 2003-06-10, 10:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #120
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First of all, i dont like getting off topic to answer something as inane as an your original post.

But honestly. If you had the patience or reading level to read those posts you would see its not spam. They are thought out, logical points.

Would you like me to edit the thread title to have a warning on it that says "This thread contains posts over 2 sentences"?

What was the point of you even coming in here and saying that? You cant be that bored.
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