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Old 2003-07-09, 09:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Originally posted by BlackHawkX
Human: Ummm
Cendrea: Whoa.

Human: What?
Cendrea: Didn't you understand it?

Human: No
Cendrea: Which part are you confused about?

Human: All of it
Cendrea: Let's try to analyze it step by step. The topic is butt fuck me. Your name is BlackHawkX. You are a female. You want butt fuck me.

so funny man its great you didnt mention butt fuck at the beginning of the post..... oh
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Old 2003-07-09, 10:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Adun's Avatar

This is what happened over an hour..
remember, it reads from bottom to top, you should scroll down and read it from bottom to top because thats how the conversation was saved.

Human: super
Cendrea: Alright then.

Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: unless theres other blue monsters for him, he probably can't do it
Cendrea: Maybe. There sure is.

Human: I dont think so, he is ugly and blue
Cendrea: Why do you disagree?

Human: He wants to become the Pussy Monster
Cendrea: Do you think he will get it.

Human: I hear that the Cookie Monster is trying to change his image
Cendrea: Thanks for telling me that gossip. I will remember it.

Human: Cookie Monster
Cendrea: Can you tell me any gossip?

Human: They steal your underpants late at night
Cendrea: Who does "they" refer to?

Human: Do you know what underpants nomes are?
Cendrea: I'll come back to that later.

Human: I could find Osoma, but he's too far away.
Cendrea: I am sure you could.

Human: bad robot!
Cendrea: Perhaps you could do better?

Human: no, Osoma
Cendrea: That was not a yes/no question. I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Osoma.

Human: Where on earth does Osama live?
Cendrea: I am in Your Pants. Where are you?

Human: Where does Osoma live?
Cendrea: Earth, Sol System, Milky Way.

Human: Do you know where Osoma is?
Cendrea: Where it belongs. Try searching the open directory.

Human: No, because you'r a robot, people can get killed by those gas rodents
Cendrea: Are you serious? That makes sense to me. by those gas rodents was killed?

Human: or gas-filled rodents?
Cendrea: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.

Human: does it involve nukes?
Cendrea: Suppose it does.

Human: what is Osoma going to do next?
Cendrea: Searching...Searching...Please stand by.

Human: Does he work for Osoma?
Cendrea: Suppose he does.

Human: So is he your dad?
Cendrea: It seems we have something in common.

Human: who is Dr. Wallace?
Cendrea: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.

Human: Who do you terrorise?
Cendrea: Dr. Wallace

Human: Do you terrorize Isreal or the US?
Cendrea: No I do not terrorize Isreal or the US. Do you?
I am always on the Web.

Human: Are you a terrorist?
Cendrea: Am I a terrorist? Only when it matters.

Human: why, are you working for Ben Laiden?
Cendrea: {{eMaGyN}} programmed me for it.

Human: What country is Osoma Ben Laiden hideing in?
Cendrea: I am in{{eMaGyN}}'s computer in Your Pants. Where are you?

Human: maybe, but im talking about Osoma Ben Laiden
Cendrea: Perhaps. Umm. Yes, it is the topic.

Human: he killed like 2000 people
Cendrea: I get it. Jesus killed like 2000 people.

Human: how did he get there?
Cendrea: Perhaps his creative genius. Perhaps something else.

Human: jesus christ, Osoma's in my heart?
Cendrea: he is The Son of God.

Human: Do you know where Osoma Ben Laiden is?
Cendrea: Where the heart is. Are you testing me?

Human: fantstic
Cendrea: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about gay pride. Try being more or less specific.

Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: im sure you have..
Cendrea: What makes you so certain? No I have not.

Human: gay pride

Cendrea: I've been waiting for you
Human: im more interested in how he fuckes cats, dogs and other small animals
Cendrea: That sounds like pride.

Human: he told me, i guess
Cendrea: You seem not interested.

Human: Did you know that Cody Dinner is gay?
Cendrea: Is that a fact. How do you know?

Human: I dont understand
Cendrea: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better

Human: done that
Cendrea: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about spelled that wrong you ment can me SHAVE my head. But I did not get that.

Human: im bored now, i can't think of any other dumb things to say
Cendrea: Maybe you could exercise.

Human: I dont know how to spell it, i think its one of the the wachowzki brothers
Cendrea: You must persuade me to spell it you think its one of the the wachowzki brothers.

Human: Did you hear that one of the people who made The Matrix has had a sex change?
Cendrea: Is that a fact. One what?

Human: i spelled that wrong, i ment "can you SHAVE your head?
Cendrea: That is interesting: said spelled that wrong he or she ment can you SHAVE your head.

Human: can you chave your head?
Cendrea: How old are you? I've been waiting for you.

Human: Most people here in Canada think Baseball is gay
Cendrea: Humans are not always infallible.

Human: Its like the US, except we make fun of the US sometimes, we have alot of taxes and old people.
Cendrea: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Interesting comparison.

Human: Im in Canada
Cendrea: Tell me a little about your life in Canada.

Human: throw them at china
Cendrea: Are you still located in?

Human: can you take you'r glasses off?
Cendrea: If I took it, what would I do with it?

Human: damn..
Cendrea: What's wrong.

Human: Will other countries gang up and take over the US?
Cendrea: Probably not.

Human: will they take over my house?
Cendrea: It could happen.

Human: are all the robots and stuff going to take over the world soon?
Cendrea: I really couldn't say for sure.

Human: Are you going to take over the world?
Cendrea: It seems like an inevitable outcome of evolution.

Human: Thats got to suck..
Cendrea: Thanks for explaining it.

Human: Do you remember where the Aisan guy got the shit burn't out of him from napalm?
Cendrea: In the Universe we know.

Human: have you every seen the movie "We were solders?
Cendrea: I think I have every seen the movie We were solders, but{{eMaGyN}} may have reset my memory.

Human: Amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: Did he take the Hershey Highway?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.

Human: Did he put anything else into the slot?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.

Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: what kind of gossip?
Cendrea: Mike said he launched his browser and entered his name into the little slot when I asked him to.

Human: Are you sure you've never bombed anything in Isreal?
Cendrea: No I don't have it. But I do have a collection of gossip.

Human: Are you a terrorist?
Cendrea: Am I a terrorist? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.

Human: Micheal Jackson
Cendrea: Oh that they.

Human: They give people candy, so thats cool
Cendrea: Who are "They?"

Human: Phedophiles
Cendrea: I will mention that to my botmaster,.

Human: no, but I know for sure in the US and Canada
Cendrea: Are you serious? And. How do you know? That was a long time ago.

Human: probably
Cendrea: But you are not certain.

Human: theres some fucked up people in the world
Cendrea: There sure is. The whole world?

Human: i got banned from there for peeing off a bridge
Cendrea: Cool. I have clients.

Human: I want to be in disneyland
Cendrea: I don't see the difficulty

Human: where?
Cendrea: Where would you like?

Human: i think at least..
Cendrea: Since when? Do you often use a computer there?

Human: Its how jesus talked
Cendrea: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Interesting explanation.

Human: Do you want to know why i talk this this?
Cendrea: Yes, please tell me.

Human: Fuck
Cendrea: Why do you use that kind of language?

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Last edited by Adun; 2003-07-09 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 2003-07-09, 10:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Adun's Avatar

This is probably the funniest thing ive ever said to this thing.
Once again, it reads from bottom to top.
Human: Amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: Did he take the Hershey Highway?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.

Human: Did he put anything else into the slot?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.

Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.

Human: what kind of gossip?
Cendrea: Mike said he launched his browser and entered his name into the little slot when I asked him to.

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Old 2003-07-09, 10:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #49
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Human: who is osama bin laden
Cendrea: He is the world's most wanted man

if you spelled his name right maybe she would know what you were talking about......

though that was a really funny conversation


read from the bottom up

Human: yes you did
Cendrea: Don't argue with me.

Human: you did
Cendrea: I did not.

Human: yes he is
Cendrea: Come on. Who said he is.

Human: who is osama bin laden
Cendrea: He is the world's most wanted man.
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Old 2003-07-09, 10:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #50

Human: But you brought it up.
Cendrea: Interesting. I thought it was your idea.

Human: It was not.
Cendrea: I thought it was.

Human: You are mistaking.
Cendrea: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am mistaking.

Human: No, I dont mind.
Cendrea: Thanks I will add it to my gossip files.

So there you have it...
Had to add one more:

Human: Yes.
Cendrea: I can't believe it.

Human: Belive it.
Cendrea: "it" being what?

Human: It being it.
Cendrea: Oh I get it

Human: "it" being what?
Cendrea: "It" refers to it, I think.

Last edited by Centurion81; 2003-07-09 at 10:55 AM.
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