God Damn Son Of A Motherfu... Where The Hell Is Arcanum??!?!1!!!111
A couple of days ago I was hankering for a good rpg, so I decided to download the arcanum demo. I had played it a few years back, before the game came out, but was too stupid to be able to play it properly. So I play the demo, and I think, "Hey, this game is really great! I should get the full version!". So I decide to head up to the local radio shack in the mall, because I had remembered seeing it there numerous times. So I arrive at the store, but there are no copies. Fair enough, the game is about 2 years old. So then i ride a bit further down to the local London drugs. No luck there either. My last stop would be staples, I was sure they had some copies there, as I remember seeing about 4 while digging through the bargain bin, numerous times. So i ride futher down to Staples. Not a single copy on the shelf, or in the bin. I was quite surprised that no copies were left. Later that day, my parent's were heading to another large city, so I asked them to check the future shop. They returned empty handed. So today I went to another city with my mom to try to find it. I went to 4 different stores, and none of the had it. I went to a different future shop, a different Staples, an Electronics boutique, and an Office depot. The guy at EB said that 2 days before someone had traded their copy of arcanum in, but the next day it was gone. I dont get it?? How come a game that I saw every where before, has suddenly disappeard off the face of the earth. I'm not much for piracy, but there wasn't even any on Kazaa!! It seemed like some evil conglomerate is buying all the copies from the stores, to prevent me from obtaining a copy! What should I do??