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Old 2003-09-05, 04:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Staff Sergeant
Re: *signed*

Originally posted by WhiteBear
With attached comment:
"I'm quitting over this. Not because I'm not happy with the game, but I'm not going to support Sony's business plan by helping them think it could actually work."
Youre quitting a game you like because you'll have to spend another $20??? Sounds like youre straining for a reason to quit.
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Old 2003-09-05, 04:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

It's on principle, and you don't have to agree or disagree with it. Like everyone else's opinion, including yours, it stinks.
__________________ matter where you go, there you are...
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Old 2003-09-05, 04:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Staff Sergeant

So what is this "business plan" that SOE has that is so bad? Seriously, not flaming here, just want to know.
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Old 2003-09-05, 04:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #19

The business plan that includes a policy of:

Releasing a bug-ridden game early - We all know that new games are buggy, but this one was really bad, compared to others I've seen. However, due to time constraints put on the devs, it can be forgiven.

Leaving known, well-documented bugs in place while working on "new content" - This, however, cannot be forgiven. At least not by someone who pays for a service. Ignorance of a problem can be overlooked, but the devs have known about most of the bugs that still infest the game since before Beta ended.

Charging an established player-base money for the remainder of the game - This, in my opinion, can NEVER be forgiven, under any circumstances. How upset would you be if you bought a hamburger and the wait-staff brought you out an empty bun and fries, saying "oh, the meat will be an extra $10". Absolutely ridiculous.
__________________ matter where you go, there you are...
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Old 2003-09-05, 05:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by WhiteBear
The business plan that includes a policy of:

Releasing a bug-ridden game early - We all know that new games are buggy, but this one was really bad, compared to others I've seen. However, due to time constraints put on the devs, it can be forgiven.

Leaving known, well-documented bugs in place while working on "new content" - This, however, cannot be forgiven. At least not by someone who pays for a service. Ignorance of a problem can be overlooked, but the devs have known about most of the bugs that still infest the game since before Beta ended.

Charging an established player-base money for the remainder of the game - This, in my opinion, can NEVER be forgiven, under any circumstances. How upset would you be if you bought a hamburger and the wait-staff brought you out an empty bun and fries, saying "oh, the meat will be an extra $10". Absolutely ridiculous.
1. I agree. Very forgiving on that too.

2. Also agree. Ever tried to fly a Gal through a warpgate into Cyssor or Amerish?

3. Dont agree. Time=money in the business world. I believe that the devs only had enough time to implement what they have now, and that the end product is nothing like what they origionally wanted. Now, however, they have the time and money to "complete" the game content wise. After they get the game up to its origional Vision(tm) they will likely start to refocus on the bugs.
Philosophy is like searching for a black cat in a dark room.

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Old 2003-09-05, 06:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #21

1) You have no friken idea how smooth the PS release was compared to other MMO releases. Remember WW2 online? Remember AO? Remember the original launch of EQ? SWG was and still is a friken joke. nothing but perhaps WW2 online could compare to that one. All in all it was a very very good release. Bugs? sure but expect all games to have them. I for one think that considering the revinue this game is making (not much) the Devs are doing a great job at fixing bugs and improving the game (LLU kinda sucked but oh well)

2) I mostly agree but it is forgivable. The really important stuff like the cheating and crash bugs they do thier best to fix IMO

3)Remainder of the game? Its an expansion, get it through your heads. The money you pay each month is for your character storage, bug fixes, and all the maintinance that a persistant world requires (bandwidth, servers, sys - admins) The very little bit that is left goes right back into the company to make it better for its next offering. This money does not grant you free content for years to come. Its a kudo and a perk when they do add stuff and should be treated like a gift
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Old 2003-09-05, 07:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally posted by Queensidecastle
SWG was and still is a friken joke.
SWG is significantly more ambitious, and is significantly farther along than PS was at the same point. SWG also sees massive patching every week and is not nearly the bug-ridden joke that it was made out to be at release (and even then it wasn't as bad as people made it seem).
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Old 2003-09-05, 07:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Master Sergeant

I'm not siging that. SOE is a buisiness, not charity. These devs all spent a lot of time laerning what they know, college, prior job experience, etc. Now they're going to use all of that knowledge to create and give away an expansion they've been working hard for? No, that's not right. I will gladly pay money for it. Not to mention this would be hell if for the 56k players, they would have to spend a week downloading it.
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Old 2003-09-05, 07:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by Madcow
SWG is significantly more ambitious, and is significantly farther along than PS was at the same point. SWG also sees massive patching every week and is not nearly the bug-ridden joke that it was made out to be at release (and even then it wasn't as bad as people made it seem).
You forget the most ginormous player base that game has. Not to menion the huge investments, and backing by 2 big companies. Take those factors in to consideration and SWG is comparitavely little more then Shadowbane was.
Philosophy is like searching for a black cat in a dark room.

Metaphysics is like searching for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there.

Theology is like searching for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there and shouting, "I got it!"
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Old 2003-09-06, 12:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant Colonel
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If a game's price reflected its quality, you would have paid a hell of a lot more for PS than you did. Quit looking the gift-horse in the mouth and show some respect for the tremendous amount of skill and hard work that it took to make this game.
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Old 2003-09-06, 02:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Happy lil Elf
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I think releasing this as a free expansion would do wonders for PS. I have no proble with paying for it, and I'll most likely be getting it on the release day, but at this point the number of people it would bring back and the number of new people an offering this could potentially bring in would be a great thing for the game.

That said it'll never happen which I'm ok with because, like I've said before I have no argument with it being buy to play and not free content. I just think making it free would do wonders for the player base /shrug
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
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Old 2003-09-06, 02:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
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It would be cool if Core Combat would be free but I don't really mind buying it and I think it's totally fair that SOE is making us pay for it.
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Old 2003-09-06, 02:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Incompetent's Avatar

Signed, it'll never happen, but it's nice to think that SOE would give something extra to the community rather then stab it in the back, lie to it and fail to deliver on it's promises.
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Old 2003-09-06, 03:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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If SOE does give us Core Combat for free I will be very happy cause we already pay the subscribtin fee. But it'll never happen.
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Old 2003-09-06, 05:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
CraZy's Avatar

what? Core Combat will requre new subscription? well i love that game but im not Bill Geits to pay for PS and for PSCC each month!
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