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Old 2003-01-02, 05:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

The devs will have really dropped the ball if Reinforced armor can use a sniper rifle, given the kind of damage that weapon was last said to be able to deal out.
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Old 2003-01-02, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Man, they know what they are doing. I'd hold off on balance judgment until we get in game, then we will find out if its overpowered. If it is, they will fix it

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Old 2003-01-02, 06:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Lieutenant General
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Yeah at least wait till the game is out before complaing that lakes are over-powered!! uhhh i mean snipers, yeah snipers...
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Old 2003-01-02, 08:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
AGN Field Reporter
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To return to the original topic of this thread, Sniper vs MAX:

Conclusion: Sniper dies horribly.

1) Sniper bounces a round of the back of the MAX's head. Now he's pissed, and he knows there's a sniper out there.

2) Sniper bounces a round off the front of the MAX's head. Now the MAX knows where the sniper is.

3) MAX lines up and SPRINTS towards the soon to be ex-sniper, at around 70kph, weaving what little it can.

4) Sniper fires a couple more times, and might even hit once. This includes a last desperate attempt at a point-blank anti-vehicular shot, which may or may not hit.

5) MAX begins saturation fire of area around sniper while charging, missing a lot, but making the sniper wet their pants.

6) MAX runs over poor sniper, grinding them into a sticky red goo.

7) MAX fires horrifically powerful weaponry into red puddle repeatedly.

8) MAX defecates in newly formed crater.

9) MAX heads back to base to hit a medical terminal, mostly for a new paint job.

10) Sniper respawns, and uses said newly formed crater for improved cover. Snipers aren't too bright.

11) GOTO 1

This scenary might change based on the MAX's empire. A vanu wouldn't get hit as much (bouncy bouncy), while an NC would take the second hit (and possibly the first) to it's shields. And if they can sprint and shield at the same time? Basically no damage.

Of course, the sniper might hop in a nearby Lightening or Reaver as soon as the max charges (radically turning the tables) or he might have a couple friends out of site, or, or, or.

But my scenario is funnier, so that's how it will go. I said so.

Actually, against a MAX, a J. Random Grunt might have better luck with an assault rifle loaded with AP rounds, and a magnification implant (unless they're TR, in which case they can use the slot for something else, yay cycler!). Short, controlled bursts. Might even be able to empty a couple clips before they die. Or an anti-vehicular weapon. I doubt a max would fare too well against guided missiles (wire-guided or fire-n-forget). A Lancer would be good too.

A bolt driver is NOT the weapon of choice against a max. Use something else. MAX's are vehicles with legs. Don't use anti-personnel weapons against them. A bolt driver is an anti-personnel weapon.

Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.

And yes, that was way too many smilies.
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Old 2003-01-02, 11:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Second Lieutenant
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lol...sniper rifles should be weak...namely because the sniper is WAY off from the battle taking pot shots at stuff...if they were powerful, then the sniper gets to become a huge annoyance because they are far from danger as well as a big danger short.....

Those of you who feel the sniper rifle should do more than 15%-20% damage on a normally armored soldier, go back to C&C Renegades where it IS in fact possible to kill a tank in 3 or 4 shots from a sniper rifle...
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Old 2003-01-03, 03:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
The one, the only
SandTrout's Avatar

You tend to forget that even if a Reinforced armor COULD carry a bolt-driver and rocket launcher(lets say a striker), they would be compleatly screwed in a fight against agile or assault-equiped reinforced armor because the rocket launchers likely wont do terrible splash damage, and your cone of fire with the BD while didgeing bullets will be utter crap.

I think a better annalogy for the BD vs MAX is trying to kill a bear with a .22 single shot rifle. If you get enough shots in, he'll eventualy die, but he'll get to you and end your miserable life before you can fire that many rounds. Also, most MAXes wont be solo and you'll have to deal with his buddys if you open fire on him first.
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Old 2003-01-03, 03:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
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how many shots would a MAX take from a Lancer me wonders
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Old 2003-01-03, 04:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #38

what what what?

immune to sniper fire because it's a walking tank, but then immune to anti-vehicle weapons because it's a unit???

My rection: wtf?

lol... it's not a "walkign tank", bolt driver vs. 6 inches of steel = useless, chance of hitting people inside = nill, even if the projectile penetrates it still has a 1 in 6 chance of hitting(based on person to tank ratio)...

I'd think Bolt driver's could very logically hurt a MAX... think about it.. it's a EXO suit, NOT a vehicle, when that bolt driver hits that MAX, it's not goign anywhere but INTO that person's armor and/or the PILOT!

Yes, it does have a lot of armor, no it shouldnt'd 1-3 shot kill a MAX.. but 10+ shots i think would be rediculous, I couldnt se the MAX"s having more then 3 inches of armor, and dobut they'll have that much, or even vehicle-quality metals--but possible...

I think something like 6-10 shots is fair for taking out a MAX, I'll leave it up to the dev's...

MAX's are NOT vehicles.. they are men in HEAVY POWER ARMOR... that bullet when it hit's WILL be noticed by the pilot, it's less noticeable when your piloting a 10-20 ton tank, but in a 1-ton suit, he'll feel it.. I'd actually like to see a 'stunning' effect on unist when they are shot, of course, the more armored, the less effect... but still...

my point: Power armor/exo suit are not tanks, they should feel the bolt driver's bullet--before you flame me ya better read my full agrument....
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Old 2003-01-03, 04:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #39

Those of you who feel the sniper rifle should do more than 15%-20% damage on a normally armored soldier, go back to C&C Renegades where it IS in fact possible to kill a tank in 3 or 4 shots from a sniper rifle...

ummm.. big difference between <font size=+2>1/10th inch</font> armor & <font size=+2>6 inches</font> of armor bud....

I dont think anyone said snipers should take out tanks, but in the real world, snipers do in fact do 1-shot kills on enemy infantry, I'd think the game would be completely unreal and wouldnt bother buying it if a sniper couldnt 1-shot 1-kill someone in friggin cloth armor(None), which is basically the light armor... those people would be fools to expose themselves...

medium armor.. it's still NOT that much armor... maybe 1/4 inch of armor, that's nice for low-caliber bullets, and will dampen the effects, yes.... but we're talkign the 'most powerful' carried weapon, I think if the sniper rifle is 1 shot every 5-10 seconds, it'd be fair to ask 2-3 shots kill a medium unit, even if they get 'free' pop-shots, getting 2-3 'free pop-shots' without the person hiding is very difficult... why should 2 bullets from some automatic weapon do more damage then a sniper rifle? when the automatic rifle gets off 2 shots in 1/10th a second?

just because sniping is 'cheap' doesnt mean it should be fucked over... those of you who played tribes & hate snipers from that, it's already set up so it takes 2 sniper shots to kill you... now, in tribes the refire rate was like .5-1 second, in PS, it's gonnabe 3-10seconds+.... so you'll have lots of time to run and hide...

reinforced armor.. hey thats gettign to some good armor.. but still not 'invincible'... normally a sniper would go for the head on an armored target, but since there is no 'head' shots, i dont think 4-5 shots is unresonable(keep in mind this will take about a MINUTE to do... now pull otu your friggin watches and watch a minute pass, and calm down and THINK before you complain)

and for MAX's.. yes.. these guys are armored... but... not armored like a Tank is, their armor is much thinner! and a high-caliber projectile is going to dent that armor well, and the pilot will feel it.. the armor is around the pilot remember, he's not sittign 'inside' the MAX piloting it like a tank pilot would... Now, 6-10 shots to take out a MAX would be reasonable, keep in mind this will take forever to pull off, and a runnign MAX suit will be logn gone before the sniper even does 40% damage(assumign he's a good sniper)

I wish they'd give the re-load times on the bolt driver, would really help
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Old 2003-01-03, 05:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #40

So all of you peple are saying that MAX's are going to be so stong that normal bullets can't hurt them and there infintry so anti vehical weapons wont do to much damage , how are you suposed to bring them down without shoving a nuke up his tailpipe???

plus bolt drivers are going to do good damage to MAX's because its a piece of metal flying at the speed of light that will go throw a tank even of its a tank rapped around an infentry men(im talking about MAX's).

A sniper should be able to drop a lone MAX if hes good!!!!!!!!
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Old 2003-01-03, 05:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #41

yeah if someone was shot in the head with a bolt driver the concution(excuse my spelling) would knock him on his back and probably kill him even if it didn't go threw.
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Old 2003-01-03, 12:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

Why are you people trying to use realism and logic to support your argument? Game design supercedes all else, including realism. Which is why I say that, given the size of a MAX and how easy it'd be to hit from a distance, and given the specialized nature of a sniper rifle as anti-infantry, a sniper doing damage to a MAX would likely be bad for gameplay, as there are going to be tons and tons of snipers in PS without a doubt, given the power that weapon seems to be set to be given, so a guy in MAX armor would simply be a walking bullet sponge.

And no, I don't want to hear about how a projectile with X velocity could easily blow through Y inches of steel or whatever. It doesn't matter.
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Old 2003-01-03, 12:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Sergeant Major

Realism to us shouldn't pertain to the game. The game is in the fututre (not sure how far) but things change

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Old 2003-01-03, 01:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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/me pats himself on the back for not joining another sniper debate.
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Old 2003-01-03, 01:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
AGN Field Reporter
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Who said anti-vehicular weapons won't work on a MAX? I sure didn't.

I *tried* to say just the opposite. The dev's are also calling them "anti-armor" weapons, for obvious reasons.

So cram a decimator in that MAX's face. See how they like it. You probably still won't 1-shot them ('cept maybe the vanu, and good luck hitting them), but they sure will think twice about getting that close.

Lancers, phonixes, strikers... all goot anti-max weaponry... as is any weapon that can fire anti-armor projectiles (energy or otherwise).

But energy weapons are for pansies. Real men shoot lead.
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