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Old 2003-10-27, 07:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #91
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Old 2003-10-27, 07:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #92
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couldnt agree more, im not a very patriotic person, but i respect what theyre doing
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Old 2003-10-27, 08:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
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Old 2003-10-27, 08:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #94
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Originally Posted by Kaikou
It kinda disgusts me when I see "bring our troops back" stickers etc on people's cars. These guys are on the other side of the world risking their lives to defend these ungreatful people... Don't say "bring our troops back now" because thats the same as saying "this is useless and stupid" so the soldiers are risking their lives for something useless and stupid eh?
I think the purpose of the stickers and stuff is to say that the troops shouldent be there in the first place.

Besides, few actually risk their lives, just troops like the ones who go fight it out in cities, where you cant throw missles or shoot cannons at them from miles away.

Its wierd how America apparently has all of this technology like nearly invincible tanks and soon there will be computers and HUDs on solders, but almost the only tactic is to stay away from the enemy, fly a plane extreemly high and bomb them, risking the high chance of hiting innocents, which from what I understood happened alot.

I cant believe you people voted for bush or got him far enough to cheat the rest of the way, he really turned America evil. Bill Clinton was good for the country and a interesting person. He made a good economy and is apparently is possibly the reason that americas army is so built up. He also wasnt boring and crappy.

Play Virtual Journalist Game
Ask Bush!
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Old 2003-10-27, 08:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #95
Lieutenant Colonel
GonePostal's Avatar

how innocent casualties were there?
how many were there when saddam was in power?
2 planes shouldnt have been inside the WTC, saddam shouldnt be allowed to remain in power, and your saying our troops shouldnt be there?

bush cheated the rest of the way?

wtf are you smoking
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Old 2003-10-27, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #96
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Some guy who goes 2 my school.

The sun looks crazy, with the clouds over it. it casts an orange hue over everything. air is thicker, making it harder to breath.
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Old 2003-10-27, 09:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #97
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Originally Posted by Adun
I think the purpose of the stickers and stuff is to say that the troops shouldent be there in the first place.

Besides, few actually risk their lives, just troops like the ones who go fight it out in cities, where you cant throw missles or shoot cannons at them from miles away.

Its wierd how America apparently has all of this technology like nearly invincible tanks and soon there will be computers and HUDs on solders, but almost the only tactic is to stay away from the enemy, fly a plane extreemly high and bomb them, risking the high chance of hiting innocents, which from what I understood happened alot.

I cant believe you people voted for bush or got him far enough to cheat the rest of the way, he really turned America evil. Bill Clinton was good for the country and a interesting person. He made a good economy and is apparently is possibly the reason that americas army is so built up. He also wasnt boring and crappy.

I'd own you, but there are so many factual things wrong with your statement I don't have the time. I'll let Vic or someone do it.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-10-27, 09:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #98
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ahh cmon just do it, they might not get around to it
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Old 2003-10-27, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #99
Adun's Avatar

Originally Posted by GonePostal
how innocent casualties were there?
how many were there when saddam was in power?
2 planes shouldnt have been inside the WTC, saddam shouldnt be allowed to remain in power, and your saying our troops shouldnt be there?

bush cheated the rest of the way?

wtf are you smoking
Who says saddam is a bad leader? bush? We probably wont know the truth of what happened there for like 5 years. there are a few rumors tourture and stuff, all in the name of uncovering terrorism, of course. Sure, he probably sucks, but he must not be that bad if there are people trying to defend him. Anyways, now hes out there, with tons of money and probably has gone terrorist. So if iraqs being invaded because it "might" be an enemy later, then why not attack China? China's growing economically and is said to outdo American in about 10 years. (i think i said that before).

alot of people think bush cheated, i think it was rigging the florida votes or something. Theres spoofs on that in movies like Scary Movie 2.

So far I have the impression that most americans are clueless after playing Freedome Figheters for the first time, I asked like 5 americans on aol what they think communism is. One said its when russians try to take over america, two said they just know its bad and it involves dictators, only 2 accuratley knew what it was.

Anyways, Canada has a few traits from communism, or so we were taught in international buisiness class. The communism things old, but its probably the best example of what propaganda does, communism seems inheritantly evil, although it was made to protect the average person from being taken advantage of by the richer people.

Some people say that those old 'duck and cover' movies that show kids how to duck under a desk to survive a nuke were really just to make americans think that the enemy's crasy and out to get them. Im not sure if i believe it though, but it does make sence, ducking will never help you from a nuke, if you survive the blast somehow, the fallout (radiation and chemicals) will probably kill you.

Theres probably more blood on america than any other country, except maybe germany.

Here a picture to make some of you angry, and some of you laugh.

(took some stuff out that looked like bullsh*t when posted)

Play Virtual Journalist Game
Ask Bush!

Last edited by Adun; 2003-10-27 at 09:56 PM.
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Old 2003-10-27, 09:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #100
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The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2003-10-27, 09:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #101
Lieutenant Colonel
GonePostal's Avatar

first off what in gods name does freedom fighters have to do with this?

and were not talking about communism here

saddam killed his own people, he used chemical and bilogical weapons against the kurds, his sons tortured and murdered innocent people

you are fucking stupid, if i wasnt so lazy i would properly own you

me of all people to get owned by it would be me, thats a pretty fucking big disgrace, so dont make me actually do it
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Old 2003-10-27, 10:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #102
Adun's Avatar

The whole freedome fighters and communism thing doesnt have anything to do with what america does, its just an example of how propaganda exists in america too.

Ok, if the chemical things right, ok, i didnt know that, saddams bad, there. I didnt care for him anyway.

Im not making fun of Americans on the personal level, just stuff bush did/does and his close followers.

Another thing, Bush said that instead of rewarding North Korea (im pretty sure its north, kind of forgot) economically for stoping their nuke program, Bush will simply agree not to invade them if they stop making weapons.

If someone would say something factual against what im saying, id stop saying this stuff. Dont just say "your sooo wrong, i wont prove you wrong", prove me wrong damnit. I was careful of what i said in the least few posts, so if you can prove wrong on alot of things and back it up good, i'll never talk against america again here.

What do you mean you'll "own" me but dont want to? im trying to get inteligent stuff out of you people, damnit, prove me wrong.
Dont get offended by the map thing though, its all in the name of fun.

Last edited by Adun; 2003-10-27 at 10:08 PM.
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Old 2003-10-27, 10:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #103
Major General
MrVicchio's Avatar

Originally Posted by Adun
I think the purpose of the stickers and stuff is to say that the troops shouldent be there in the first place.

Besides, few actually risk their lives, just troops like the ones who go fight it out in cities, where you cant throw missles or shoot cannons at them from miles away.

Its wierd how America apparently has all of this technology like nearly invincible tanks and soon there will be computers and HUDs on solders, but almost the only tactic is to stay away from the enemy, fly a plane extreemly high and bomb them, risking the high chance of hiting innocents, which from what I understood happened alot.

I cant believe you people voted for bush or got him far enough to cheat the rest of the way, he really turned America evil. Bill Clinton was good for the country and a interesting person. He made a good economy and is apparently is possibly the reason that americas army is so built up. He also wasnt boring and crappy.

First off dude, wrong forum, but since you aren't smart enough to figure that out, lets break down your blarg:

1. Clinton was good for the economy: How? Can you name one economic package he initiated and passed int he first 4 years of office? No. Wanna see what Clinton did? Look no further then Enron, that mess and the other corperate scandles all went down while HE was in office. They came out right after he left... imagine that. Also, just for good measure, the US Economy was in RECESSION when Clinton LEFT office. Yeah guy, you need Economics 101.

2. We use air power, ya know why? cause we can. These "claims" of "high" civilian deaths. CAn you substaniate them anywhere? No. A few fringe wacko nut case anti-war pro-saddam sites claim tens of thousands of innocents killed... yeah, that may be the case, but most crediable sources find that they were caused by Saddam and his forces... ooops.

3. People like you see Bush as evil why? Oh yeah, your political masters tell you too, cause Bush ruined thier blood for money gian they had going with Saddam, but I don't hear you talking about that... no that was all good...

4. I got two words for the rest of the world when they whine about our air, sea and land power. Penis Envy.

Have a nice day and please, take your blarg to the right forum, that would be HERE
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-10-27, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #104
Lieutenant Colonel
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penis envy
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Old 2003-10-27, 10:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #105
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