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Old 2003-11-02, 04:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
First Sergeant
Unknown's Avatar

Originally Posted by BDMJ
Most of these problems would be remedied if the arc of the flail was forced up, the shot slowed (so it doesn't have such a shallow trajectory), and the anchoring rules tightened up (anchoring on a 70 degree incline )

The armor should remain the same, but the main gun should get a few adjustments to make it impossible to use close up. Due to the difficulty obtaining one, it shouldn't have paper thin armor.
Agreed. That seems to be the best solution to the uber flail problem IMHO.
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Old 2003-11-02, 04:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Incompetent's Avatar

I'm going to have to agree with BDMJ on this one too, when flails are used as arty they are fairly balanced, but some of the shit you can pull with them is just wrong.
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Old 2003-11-02, 09:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
MacavitySWE's Avatar

Originally Posted by BDMJ
Most of these problems would be remedied if the arc of the flail was forced up, the shot slowed (so it doesn't have such a shallow trajectory), and the anchoring rules tightened up (anchoring on a 70 degree incline )

The armor should remain the same, but the main gun should get a few adjustments to make it impossible to use close up. Due to the difficulty obtaining one, it shouldn't have paper thin armor.
Good thoughts, I can agree with these

But they also need to make the targetwaypoints have secondary fire-arcs if you know what i mean, one "shallow" and one megahigh up to avoid obstacles.
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Old 2003-11-02, 11:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #49
Master Sergeant
keaoi's Avatar

Originally Posted by bryan25
OMG your a complete IDIOT!
wow im glad your elaborated on that one

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Old 2003-11-02, 02:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
First Sergeant
sutserikeru's Avatar

Originally Posted by Cider_Ownz
I jsut think it should feel more like an artilery.

Lower armor, slower ROF......... stuff like that.

It shouldn't really be able to defend itself against attacks, but it should be able to own everything from afar.
(yes i know this is from a while back, but i need to prove my point ;p)
1. Artillery cannons are staionary when firing, thus they need the armor to survive whil deployed. get it? good. moving on.
2. the ROF is fine, it fires a round every 5 seconds, if you can move your ass out of there in five seconds, go play another game
3. if you were in the real military like i was for 10 years, youd know how artillery works. (if anything the ROF needs to be increased)
4. Why shouldnt it be able to defend itself? isnt that kind of defeating the purpose of a war vech? yes.
5. There should be a side gunner with a sycthe like the SB, only it can only be deployed when the flail is
6. ITS ARTILLERY, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG. Weak Artillery means no support. The Reavers cant even take 3 Mag Rail Rounds, so stfu
7. Artillery is supposed be support, not precision you n00b, why do u think it has such massive splash damage? itd be a super long range sniper rifle if it was supposed to be precise...
8. just shut up, you have no idea wtf youre talking about.
I need a new sig, PM me if you wouldnt mind making one for me. Thanx
has to have a VS reaver in it
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Old 2003-11-02, 03:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
First Sergeant

Please don't bring any "in RL so and so is...." arguments to the table.

If I have to explain this one....
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Old 2003-11-02, 03:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
Master Sergeant
keaoi's Avatar

Originally Posted by sutserikeru
(yes i know this is from a while back, but i need to prove my point ;p)
1. Artillery cannons are staionary when firing, thus they need the armor to survive whil deployed. get it? good. moving on.
2. the ROF is fine, it fires a round every 5 seconds, if you can move your ass out of there in five seconds, go play another game
3. if you were in the real military like i was for 10 years, youd know how artillery works. (if anything the ROF needs to be increased)
4. Why shouldnt it be able to defend itself? isnt that kind of defeating the purpose of a war vech? yes.
5. There should be a side gunner with a sycthe like the SB, only it can only be deployed when the flail is
6. ITS ARTILLERY, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG. Weak Artillery means no support. The Reavers cant even take 3 Mag Rail Rounds, so stfu
7. Artillery is supposed be support, not precision you n00b, why do u think it has such massive splash damage? itd be a super long range sniper rifle if it was supposed to be precise...
8. just shut up, you have no idea wtf youre talking about.
man u have obviously NOT been in any "military" cept maybe a weekend warrior or the coast guard. though i make it a point not to flame anybody, your complete ignorance has earned it. i also make a point to try and not reveal anything about my identity, but your ignorance has pissed me off enough to do so. I was a Chief in the United States Navy, have practiced more war games, and seen more countries than a little pathetic maggot like you could not possibly comprehend. Your idiotic attempt to impersonate a member of MY country's beloved military has angered me to a point that wishes you WOULD actually enlist in the military, as that would teach you some god damn respect.

1. Artillery MUST stay stationary to lob a massive shell like that dozens of miles. Where in your pathetic little mind did this lead you to the conclusion that it needs galaxy-like armor? Artillery was postioned so that it could have the maximum cover. This means deploying on a FLAT surface down in a valley, with AA batteries protecting it on the hill tops, with AV batteries protecting the AA batteries, and so on. My position on the Flail is that it is inappropiate for long-range batteries to be deployed 5m from the front door, AND still be able to fire inside the door. A F'ing gernade could take out Artillery batteries, but Im sure you knew that maggot. Not that I feel (in Planetside) that a gernade should take out artillery, but most certainly 64 reaver rockets should have done the job 2 times over(64 is my actual playtest, it put the Flail at 5-10% health).

2. The only thing in your post that actual made any attmpt at a valid arguement was #2. HOWEVER, a faster ROF with the flail in its current condition would throw game-balance way out of line.


4. You said it yourself. ITS SUPPORT not a war vech. no it should not be able to defend itself. For all purposes, within 300m of the god damn thing it should be consider as much a threat as an ANT.

5. OMG

6. See number 1

7. Not since WW2 has artillery been inaccurate, never did i mention a nerf to the damage. This reply of yours has led me to believe that you are nothing more than an insecure little pussy that would be unable to even respond to #3 if you even had the balls.

8. A big little girl now arent we?

Aplogies to everyone else who reads this, but his ignorance must be corrected. I have a feeling he is just a pasty little white boy that has yet to understand the concept of patriotism. Perhaps he is bullied at school. So he comes here to act big and "fight back". Whatever it is, for his own good, he needs to enlist.
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Old 2003-11-02, 03:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
Lieutenant Colonel

Keoi, you hit the nail on the head.
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Old 2003-11-02, 03:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
Master Sergeant
keaoi's Avatar

thank you, i am completely intolerant of that kind of disrespect and ignorance.
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Old 2003-11-02, 07:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #55

Originally Posted by BDMJ
and the anchoring rules tightened up (anchoring on a 70 degree incline )
There was once a sig here. Now there is a vacuum.

Please insert face.
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Old 2003-11-02, 07:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Master Sergeant
flypengy's Avatar

A weapon that is used at extreme range. (And the flail is used at extreme ranges should have low armor. It is not suppose to be used in direct combat, hence the 1km firing range. This weapon needs to be far more dependent on the use of the laze pointer. Most times I see flails just camping a tower and taking massive amounts of punishment.

There is a fine line between tanks and artillery. Artillery is support and is not suppose to be used in direct combat (which would make it very undependent on armor) Why would you need massive amounts of armor when you're firing on enemies that are not even visible? Tanks are heavily armored at the sacrafice of fire power.

Another issue with the flail is the mowing. I would say that the flail is a far more effective mower than any other vehicle in the game (except for perhaps the switchblade) Now... who's ever heard of artillery running people over. Again, this is a long range suppressive weapon, you're not suppose to be able to run in the heat of battle mowing infantry.
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Old 2003-11-02, 08:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
MacavitySWE's Avatar

Originally Posted by flypengy
Another issue with the flail is the mowing. I would say that the flail is a far more effective mower than any other vehicle in the game (except for perhaps the switchblade) Now... who's ever heard of artillery running people over. Again, this is a long range suppressive weapon, you're not suppose to be able to run in the heat of battle mowing infantry.
I have not yet mowed one person with the flail, I tried several times but the darn thing is so slow and even when I hit them they don't die

AMS on the other hand=ubermower

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Old 2003-11-02, 09:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
First Lieutenant
BadAsh's Avatar
Thumbs down

Originally Posted by sutserikeru
1. Artillery cannons are staionary when firing, thus they need the armor to survive whil deployed. get it? good. moving on.
2. the ROF is fine, it fires a round every 5 seconds, if you can move your ass out of there in five seconds, go play another game
3. if you were in the real military like i was for 10 years, youd know how artillery works. (if anything the ROF needs to be increased)
4. Why shouldnt it be able to defend itself? isnt that kind of defeating the purpose of a war vech? yes.
5. There should be a side gunner with a sycthe like the SB, only it can only be deployed when the flail is
6. ITS ARTILLERY, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG. Weak Artillery means no support. The Reavers cant even take 3 Mag Rail Rounds, so stfu
7. Artillery is supposed be support, not precision you n00b, why do u think it has such massive splash damage? itd be a super long range sniper rifle if it was supposed to be precise...
8. just shut up, you have no idea wtf youre talking about.
Ok some counter points:

1. Armor should not protect the Flail. Distance from the enemy and intelligent strategic placement is its protection. Get it? Good. Moving on! (P.S. Sorry I could not resist )
2. Ok so in point 2 you admit the raw over power of the Flail by insinuating that the only way to survive a Flail is to run for your life. Further you insult those who try in vein to fight the Flail by inviting them to go play another game if they don�t know to run and run fast. Silly rabbits did not know to run from the Uber-Flail.
3. If you were in the real military you would know that real artillery has no armor (crews are exposed � oh and another point� it takes a CREW to man artillery not an army of one). Second, um, what artillery takes out aircraft? Third, what artillery piece drives up to enemy lines under direct fire, deploys, and then kills anyone not smart enough to RUN?
4. What artillery guns defend themselves? None, they require a supporting army in which every unit does it�s job.
5. Side gunner? LOL. Why not just shrink the Flail to MAX size so it can enter buildings, give it wings to fly, and allow it to fire while moving/flying. Then allow the driver to effect repairs and hack facilities from within the unit. I mean if you want to be completely ridicules about it, why stop at a side gunner?
6. No you STFU! Nah nah nah nee boo boo (keeping the argument level the same)
7. �Artillery is supposed to be support� BINGO, we have a winner. That�s exactly why is should have little to no armor, be unable to hit aircraft, and need spotter to fire at all. Alone it should be a sitting duck, as part of a TEAM it could, if used correctly, the tool that turns the tide of a battle as a SUPPORT unit, NOT a front line show stopper.
8. You are talking to a mirror again aren�t you? My advice: Listen to the man in the mirror.

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Old 2003-11-03, 01:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #59

Not trying to backup sut but their is anti air artillery units. Actualy i remember seeing a thing the other day how they're going to be rollign out with artillery robots for small unit firesupport (these as far as artillery pieces go are dinky little things) mounted on APC's (traditionaly the bradly if memory serves). ALl the human crew needs to do is handle the reloads and fire it in mnaul mode if the situation warrants. I merely bring this up as a point of intrest, but this system only works because the spotter down range feeds the unit gps targets.
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Old 2003-11-03, 02:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #60
Lieutenant Colonel
Veteran's Avatar

Artillery piece vs. assault vehicle is the question here.

Since it's under Mobile Artillery, the answer is clear.

I think the devs will get the drift and patch it, otherwise PS has a new heavy assault vehicle.

I have yet to have a Flail driver ask me to be his forward spotter. When that day happens, I will gladly go paint some targets. As it is now, he doesn't need anyone but his trigger.
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