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Old 2003-01-17, 08:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
MrVicchio's Avatar

Helpful programs that work to move you up and out = good

Helpful programs that let you live yourlife off of them with no help/incentive to move up and out = bad
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Old 2003-01-17, 10:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Does anyone believe that they got, or that their children will, get a good public education? The problem is that the Dems just throw money at the problem. Let's raise taxes and throw 5% more at schools, that'll improve education.

The dems keep doing this every year, and if you'll check scores go down yearly. Now the republicans have proposed new ideas almost bi annualy, the latest of which is the voucher program. It works every where it is tried, and is proof that capitalism works in every facet of life.
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Old 2003-01-17, 11:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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well, i can tell you that MY public school system does work, out here in Bumfuck, Georgia
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Old 2003-01-17, 11:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
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REally? It was?

Then tell me what the United States of America's Government is classified as:

I.E. Democracy.. Communist.. so forth

PS Jsut asking, I do it all the time lol so dont take personal.
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #35

I'm tending to agree with Unreg here...

The problem is that the poor don't take what's given to them and use it to make thier situation better.

They blow the food stamps on high priced luxury foods (steak and lobster were mentioned) and blow the rest of thier income on other stuff, such as booze and smokes, or playing the lotto. They sit there and moan and complain that minimum wage doesn't allow them to take care of thier family, but yet they have 5 kids at home and STILL going for more. They keep saying that they should be given an equal chance, citing as examples people who have taken a look at thier life and decided that "FUCK THIS, I will not live like this forever," and done something about it, while they expect to get the same results for NO invested effort.

Those that make it off the dole are those that take whatever programs they can get, use them to supplement any income they can get (working minimum wage at a packing plant or something.) eating ramen for weeks on end because it's cheap, easy to prepare and keeps well, while using what they've saved up to go to nightschool to learn how to become an electrical engineer.

Capitalism is the direct Financial counterpart to Darwinism in nature.
Those that are most successful survive and prosper. Those that don't are doomed to die. HOWEVER, you aren't limited to your genetic (inhereted money) starting point. Effort invested, and invested wisely, is THE factor that determines your survival and prosperity.

Come to think of it, I keep wondering what would happen if the "poor and gonna stay that way" were allowed to die the deaths they deserve, rather than being supported by everyone else. Kinda seems to me that would make for a good incentive to be productive. (Or is that just inhuman?)
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
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What was the problem with my public schools system? It was very over crowded and the equipment there was outdated. Class sizes were way too large. (I think the school was at 500 students over capacity.)

With more money they can open new facilities, hire more employees, and get better equipment.

Do you really think lowering class size, giving better equipment and having more teachers wouldn't help education? (BTW that requires more money)
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-18, 01:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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I knw people who are on welfare and they, have 3 or so new comptuers, got satellite, a new van...and other things that if they can get on welfare I'm wondering how much are they getting?
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Originally posted by TerraxNovae
Come to think of it, I keep wondering what would happen if the "poor and gonna stay that way" were allowed to die the deaths they deserve, rather than being supported by everyone else. Kinda seems to me that would make for a good incentive to be productive. (Or is that just inhuman?)
Not acceptabe, even from a capitalist point of view. With a bit of help, all those poor people could become contributing members of society.

To let them die is wasting that potential output.
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-18, 01:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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And a little inhuman. Weird at least
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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MrVicchio's Avatar

Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
What was the problem with my public schools system? It was very over crowded and the equipment there was outdated. Class sizes were way too large. (I think the school was at 500 students over capacity.)

With more money they can open new facilities, hire more employees, and get better equipment.

Do you really think lowering class size, giving better equipment and having more teachers wouldn't help education? (BTW that requires more money)

One Word: Japan

Like 50 ppl per class, less resources tehn we have, yet thier students out do ours hand sdown..

It not class size, it is Dicipline.
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Heh, our culture is different though. That's the problem. The parents have been disciplining the children like that aswell. I'm not sure on that so don't hold me to it though. Also, british schools were very disiplined and their students weren't doing great. It's hard to say what the best school is.
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Originally posted by MrVicchio
One Word: Japan

Like 50 ppl per class, less resources tehn we have, yet thier students out do ours hand sdown..

It not class size, it is Dicipline.
I wouldn't say that is so. On the average, yes, american students do worse than Japanese students. however there is a difference.

The Japanese education system is focused on helping the students that are behind and keeping them up with the rest of thei peers. The idea here is to have the general population be successful in school.

However our style of education focuses on allowing the top tier students excell to their potential, making our education system better for top tier students. The idea here is to allow students to have the oppurtunity to go as far as they are capable.

This is something of a demonstration of eastern versus western values. Their more socialistic approach provides for a higher literacy rate with similar recources. Don't get me wrong here, I prefer the American system (I am not a socialist)

However, our system is going to invariably require a better Student:Teacher ratio if we want to see success. (why do you think student:teacher ratio is included when ranking colleges and universities?)
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-18, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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The first thing we need to do, is instill dicipline back in the classrooms...

Most schools in America today are more worried about you feeling good then learning, period. PArents dont care, and are not held accountable, students are passed therough the idiot idea of social promotion.. its all hosed.. I say screw it all screw everything, I hate this world.
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Old 2003-01-18, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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Just be glad you're not still in school.
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Old 2003-01-18, 02:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Originally posted by MrVicchio
I say screw it all screw everything, I hate this world.
Where is your Capitalist mentality going. Some see a problem, you are supposed to see an oppurtunity.

But seriously, nobody said it was going to be easy.
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Action.
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