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Old 2004-04-22, 10:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #91
Neon Apocalypse
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That probably has nothing to do with anything the AF does but atleast im into it.
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Old 2004-04-22, 10:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #92
First Sergeant

You guys do realize that not everyone in the air force is a pilot right? That there are ALOT of other jobs in the air force.
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Old 2004-04-22, 10:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
Lieutenant Colonel
LimpBIT's Avatar

im goin to kill me some iraqs. But sadly im only 14. Looks like i will have to settle for killing the ones here

(jk to those who take everything seriously) i dont want the FBI on my ass

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Old 2004-04-23, 02:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #94

I don't know where I'm going to go if I get drafted, but something tells me that I'm going be the guy cleaning toilets--whenever I'm not patrolling Fallujah in the intense heat--until the day I get a leg blown off by an IED. I can also imagine a situation where I am laid low by heatstroke or a gang of brutal, america-hating 9 year olds. Or I'll be the guy who, in a firefight, blows the head off a cameraman from Al`Jazeera under the mistaken impression that he was holding a RPG.

I'd still go, and I still support the war, but it's important to be lucid about these things.
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Old 2004-04-23, 03:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #95

Originally Posted by Seer
I don't know where I'm going to go if I get drafted, but something tells me that I'm going be the guy cleaning toilets--whenever I'm not patrolling Fallujah in the intense heat--until the day I get a leg blown off by an IED. I can also imagine a situation where I am laid low by heatstroke or a gang of brutal, america-hating 9 year olds. Or I'll be the guy who, in a firefight, blows the head off a cameraman from Al`Jazeera under the mistaken impression that he was holding a RPG.

I'd still go, and I still support the war, but it's important to be lucid about these things.
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Old 2004-04-23, 04:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #96
Lieutenant Colonel
Zatrais's Avatar

Already been conscripted and done a year in the armed forces, but if called upon i'm ready to deploy.
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Old 2004-04-23, 10:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #97
Major General
Electrofreak's Avatar

No. I believe that war in general is wrong. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is a necessity, such as ending Hitler's Nazi regime from taking over the world and extending their practice of genocide and hate.

If you are going to take somone's life because you disagree with their political views or actions, you better have a damn good reason. I don't think that the war with Iraq had a good enough reason. WMD that don't exist and all of the other lame excuses that our government has come up with. Sure Saddam Hussein is a bad man. Yes he needed to be stopped. But by turning Iraq into a smouldering crater and killing thousands of innocent women and children in the process (fact: about 9,000 innocents died in Iraq, almost 3x what we lost on 9/11 to the attack by Al-Qaeda). I believe we should be focusing on rooting out terrorism, not starting wars and expending all of our resources in a conflict and reconstruction in the mid-east.

No flames please. These are my views. I respect our military, but I don't respect the morons in D.C. who are telling them to go to Iraq to kill and get killed for their made-up reasons.

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Last edited by Electrofreak; 2004-04-23 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 2004-04-23, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #98
Neon Apocalypse
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I know that not everyone in the air force is a pilot. But If I had to chose I would become one.
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Old 2004-04-23, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #99
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Everay's Avatar

its cool electro, we all get our opinions. i personaly belived at the time that there were WMD in iraq, but at the same time i also knew what a SOB that dictator was, and what he did to his own people, i support the war, this belongs in pol debate, and because saddam did such things, it was important to take em down, now you may say, what right do we have to topple a countrys leader by the way he leads his own people? well i say we have every right as americans, and as humans.
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Old 2004-04-23, 11:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #100
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again, yes I believe Saddam needed to go down (I've written numerous college papers on the war, and I'm aware of the thousands of Shi'ites he gassed to death etc), but I really think we could have found a better way. Perhaps if we had the help of the UN, which we didn't really bother to press for. We said, "we're gonna invade Iraq, wanna help" they said "uhm, we need to look into this more before we consider it" so we said "fuck you fine we will do it ourselves". With the UN at our back, the armies of Iraq probably would have surrendered rather than chosen to fight us. It is always better to pursue the bloodless path, and I really don't think we gave it as much of a chance.

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Old 2004-04-23, 11:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #101
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no we didnt, but i felt that it was long enough myself, how long did we wait? two months? prolly longer i think. and i personaly dont like dicking around, you know there are reports that during that time saddam smuggled his WMD out of country, wether they are true are not is another matter.

though, you are right, personaly i dislike civilian cassualties, and war brings those about always. and besides, germany and france were against war the entire time, prefering weapons inspectors who wernt completely getting all the intel, hell the head inspector said there prolly was WMD in iraq, and now he says he wasnt sure, or something like that. and of course you are aware that france and germany could veto UN going to war, thus if they were against it we couldnt get their help, and we have many nations working with us, so i dont see why they arnt just as official as the UN.
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Old 2004-04-23, 11:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #102
Major General
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to each his own

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Old 2004-04-23, 12:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #103
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by Neon Apocalypse
i think i would be kinda scared to be on a front line
i probably wouldnt last long

so i would enlist in the USAF. I love aircraft, and I'm a good pilot in DC and in PS. So I would bomb the shit out of people instead.
Yeah, since we all know the US air force is planning on making a "fly boat" air division.
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Old 2004-04-23, 12:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #104
Major General
Everay's Avatar

Originally Posted by Electrofreak
to each his own

of course, its like our outfits, your a Black Hawk, im a Hostile takeover.

Originally Posted by Sputty
Yeah, since we all know the US air force is planning on making a "fly boat" air division.
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Old 2004-04-23, 12:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #105

You do understand that draft isnt the same as joining right? Anyways if your gonna join anything, join the marines. If you join you get a free ski-mask and sunglasses. Its worth it.

BTW currently this new draft (if it is even passed) gender wont matter. Just becuase of that they might not pass it or at least make major changes. Seeing as how the reason why they're thinking of bring the draft back is becuase of the % of minorty's in the army that have died. Without looking at the total % of the minorty group in the army. Makes sense right? God politics just make me want to claw my eyes out.....
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Last edited by Disconnections; 2004-04-23 at 12:24 PM.
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