Originally posted by Tobias
Your total sta, wheather or not you are moving, if you are using single, burst, or automatic fire, the type of weapon, and your skill with the weapon (weather your certed or not with it) affect your accuracy with the weapon.
very wrong Tobias. No Certs affect your accuracy with a weapon. If you don't have the cert for a weapon you just can't use it. You're right about the moveing, standing vs. crouching, and the weapon's own starting COF affecting accuracy.
Also, though not 100% sure, I don't think zoom has any effect on your actual cone of fire. As you zoom in more, your cone becomes a larger part of your screen, but your spread stays the same.
Otherwise we'd have a bunch of scripts that automaticly zoomed whenever you fire your weapon for minimum spread(I've seen this for AWP in CS).