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Old 2004-12-21, 06:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #76
Lieutenant General
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Originally Posted by Squeeky

I agree with great chinchilla!

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Old 2004-12-21, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #77
Lieutenant General
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Originally Posted by Doppler
Wow, i never thought i'd use this phrase, but never has it been more appropriate


Considering i was posting in the lounge well over a year before you even found the site, it seems approrpiate, when i tell you not so kindly to "get bent.you dirty wanker." Your miniscule contributions to the forum were some jabs at another peoples culture, and you wonder why they bristle in response. I'm so glad you can wrap yourself in your superiority about civilized debate that you havnt been around long enough to experience.
In the time hes been a member TotalBiscut has been more contributive then you, as far as I've seen.
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #78
First Sergeant

I've read the PolDeb forum once in a while. Now, Doppler, never having had any contact with you, and reading your post for the first, time, I have to say you sound like an eliteist , one of those kids that brags about him being the first one to get a new toy, and you want to punch him.

You seem to think that just because you made an account before everyone else, let it idle, then post nonsense, that you are more important than anyone else. I have been here since a few months after PSU was first created, and I really haven't posted much here, and I'm not claming to be a member who has added anything to any argument, but nor do I run around claming to be "1337" because I was here before everyone else.

IMO, you need an additude check. There are people here that have added a LOT to PSU without being here longer than you.
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #79
Major General
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Doppler has been here a long time, and been one of PSU's most ardent supporters. I think he is venting at the fact the one forum he really liked here, and one that lead him to help with PSU's finances through donations, was shut down because of a few people that almost NEVER posted down there. They did so with total disreguard for anyone who liked that forum.

He's venting and he's right.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #80
First Sergeant

I'm not saying he's not a contributive member, but he seems to think he's better than everyone else, which makes me, and apparently everyone else, angry.
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #81
Hezzy's Avatar

Originally Posted by MrVicchio
shut down because of a few people that almost NEVER posted down there. They did so with total disreguard for anyone who liked that forum.
May I point out that the forum was shut down because you left?

I know I said I didn't have anything more to say in this thread. I lied.
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #82

Ok, I tried my damndest to avoid this particular chunk of dharma, but I'll just say this: I think the pol debate should be reopened in promise that no more shenanigans will happen down there. I'm not saying Obfrog, Triggar and Hezzy are asshats, and they didn't really do too much wrong, and they are indeed right that PSU isn't a serious forum - but Pol Debate is probably the only serious one. It's meant for debate and serious discussion, not shens. It wasn't really clearly stated anywhere, now it's obviously pretty well known.

Both sides hold valid points, but I simply think we can open it back up and live at the same time.
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Old 2004-12-21, 06:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #83

Originally Posted by MrVicchio
Actually -Hezzy-, it wasn't the pic, I have much thicker skin then that. It was the fact more people that rarely if ever posted there, came in, just to insult ME.

Why did you come down there, what was the point of "insulting Vic"?

It was THAT attittude, NOT JUST YOU, that was overwhelming the forum, ObFrog's openly admitted desire to destroy any debate, the one line insults from a certain mod egging such behavior on, the email I got... Something changed around here, and that ruined what the forum was about.

Before that forum was open we used to debate up here, and Hamma wasn't happy lol. PSU had a robust, if small group of posters that lived down there with me posting our thoughts, bitching argueing, agreeing disagreeing, screaming yelling... but in the end, we kept it to a set level. We had a quiet agreement. If I needed to, I PM'd someone if they were... over the line. And everything was fine.

I think there were 2 people the whole time that forum was up that I EVER trid to ban. 2. Not bad for 15 months.
He's right. I noticed quite a few more people having substanceless posts in the forum. Just senseless bitching and moaning. If you had posted there regularly, a bit of jesting isn't a big deal, but when you're only there to flame Vic, YOU SUCK.

Sorry to see you go Vic....IMO, you did a great job as mod and as far as I could tell you were always fair. Anyway, as long as that forum is closed I'm probably gone too - not that any of you will care as I only really posted in the political forum
MTX: Dieval.. you're still an idiot...

I think I struck a nerve with him!

Doppler: I do believe this is about the closest i get to being tcked off at a message poster, way to do what USAworker, Shoey, and MTX could not.

Watch out, I'm on a roll!
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Old 2004-12-21, 07:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #84
Major General
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If it does re-open, it will be with a newer, harder set of rules. Something I was loathe to do before, and something I have to speak with Hamma about. I have gotten a large number of supportive emails and PM's from people sad to see this happen, and well just wait. It might or might not happen.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2004-12-21, 07:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #85
Second Lieutenant
Angel_of_Death's Avatar

Originally Posted by -Hezzy-
May I point out that the forum was shut down because you left?
I hope you're not implying that Vic is the selfish one.

I never posted in there, but I usually checked it out and read alot of the threads. Sad to see it go too.
Sig. by Flakman
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Old 2004-12-21, 07:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #86
Hezzy's Avatar

Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death
I hope you're not implying that Vic is the selfish one.
One was merely stating.
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Old 2004-12-21, 07:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #87
First Lieutenant
Pilgrim's Avatar

The only thing ahmina add here is 2 things

1) Vic did a great job, we had some wonderful debates down there, and he even eleted one of my posts when I got a little ot at someone and sent me a nice "Chill out" pm... perfect Moderation in my Oppinion

2) This is mostly Trigs fault, but she's not here to defend herself and will not be till affter the holidays, so honestly lay off her until she's around to speak in her own defense.

That is all
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Old 2004-12-21, 08:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #88
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indeed, i've whisked trig away for christmas. she's not around, i've hijacked my grandparents' machine - but i have this to say.

a long time ago trig was involved in poldebate. she and vic were butting heads, she was getting upset over posts and taking things seriously.

it came to a head behind the scenes, unbeknownst to the public, back in our secret mods area. they came to an agreement of sorts, and trig stopped modding the forums. in fact. she stopped butting heads with vic, and nearly ceased posts to poldeb entirely.

i invite you, http://planetside-universe.com/forum...induser&u=6948

the flaw i see in the blame here is that vic _resigned_.
nobody could force him to do that, and she stopped encouraging him to do so quite some time ago.

anyway, stop arguing in the lounge, and have a good holiday!
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Old 2004-12-21, 08:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #89

Once more, my complaint with TB is tht he is both new and disparages a forum he never really experienced other to drop by and sling elitest shit. Anyone who didnt agree with him was wrong and an ignorant american fuck, and you wonder why i tend to respond purposely.

I have never at any point let my account idle, I have been consistantly posting and supporting PSU. I never have been more then on occasional poster in the lounge for a couple of reasons. First off most of the content in there is not in any way shape or form work safe, and most of it doesnt intrest me. Politics intrests me, Planetside used to intrest me, i used to post in that forum regularly and at great length. I have believed in this site, a long time, have supported it both from a patronage and financial standpoint, for a long time and to great length. So at one time i'm forced to post in the lounge because i really want to see PD get re-opened so i can leave you all to your rape-dollar discussions. Thus i get ripped on by those who dont even know me, who try to make this an issue of my character. Honestly i dont care what you or that twat TB thinks, I continue to come here and post because to considerable extent i value the community here, so rounding out to the original point, to have TB trash on what i'm trying to do because what happened in PD was obviously beyond him bothers me.

This has rambled on far enough.
Originally Posted by Diviant
You seem to think that just because you made an account before everyone else, let it idle, then post nonsense, that you are more important than anyone else. I have been here since a few months after PSU was first created, and I really haven't posted much here, and I'm not claming to be a member who has added anything to any argument, but nor do I run around claming to be "1337" because I was here before everyone else.

IMO, you need an additude check. There are people here that have added a LOT to PSU without being here longer than you.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2004-12-21, 08:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #90
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Could you possibly show yourself up to be any more elitist Doppler? I mean don't get me wrong I appreciate this whole digging your own grave thing, but seriously don't you think you should stop for the sake of your credibility?

Once more, my complaint with TB is tht he is both new and disparages a forum he never really experienced other to drop by and sling elitest shit. Anyone who didnt agree with him was wrong and an ignorant american fuck, and you wonder why i tend to respond purposely.
New.. have you ever heard of lurking dear? First rule of proper e-thuggery.. never.. ever.. assume authority over anyone based on join dates.

As for the rest of that. Feel free to spread your muck all you like. I'm confident that people will realize who to believe here. Who, right now, is refusing to accept the views of other people? Who.. right now, is slinging elitist shit? (Don't believe me? Re-read the already substantial number of 'I'm more intelligent than you' 'You're too stupid to understand' comments in your very own posts. And no, your thin-veil of flowery language doesn't fool me, it never has, which is the very reason I don't particularly like you). Your arguments, oddly enough much like in PolDeb, have virtually no basis in fact. Your elitism is clear for all to see and your arrogance steals our bandwidth. And the best thing is you hold it out in front of you like some child with a new toy, showing it off even. That just demonstrates how poor your debating skills really are. The number of holes in your argument and more importantly, the way you've portrayed yourself to be a close-minded, blinkered, arrogant, elitist pompous arsewipe are the mistakes of an amateur.

Insult me all you like and do keep digging. We had a good laugh at you in the PSU channel and we all agreed you're not worth unleashing squirrely wrath on. Consider yourself bombarded with several metaphorical acorns instead and count yourself lucky.

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