Well if you consider your team to be people on the same continent, you are limited by pop-lock. I think, (someone correct me if wrong) in a even three way between all empires on a single continent, it works out to about 166 players per empire for a total capacity of 500 players on a single continent.
So yes, in that sense you coud be talking 250 players of your team in the same place at the same time against 250 players of an enemy empire.
However, potentially there could be as many as 10 such fights occuring in the "world" - universe, i.e. on 10 continents, for a server maximum of aprox 5000 players. (and yes, they did stress the servers up near the 5000 player limit during tests) True, we are no where near that number, but a typical day in planetside sees at least one pop-locked continent with several smaller battles on the other continents and even occationally two pop-locked. Obviously there is still plenty of room for more players.