Stat innovation, player accessible telemetry
What are some statistic types you would like to see available besides the typical ones? I'm talking about your public stat page here.
Also, and this has nothing at all to do with your public stats, what do you guys think of certain telemetry type stats being made available to players and even outfits?
For example, if you deploy a resource such as a Galaxy that people can spawn on, then, when it gets destroyed, or you lose ownership, or log out of it, you'll get a popup(or perhaps an automatic email to yourself that you can review later so it doesn't interrupt you in combat) that gives you telemetric data on your deployed asset. It could tell you how many people spawned at it, how many people changed kits or whatever using the equipment terminal it has, how much damage it took and how much damage it was repaired for during combat, etc. Same for Sunderers or any other deployed asset.
For that matter, every time you die in a vehicle, you could get a telemetric report of some kind.
OR, instead of you getting these reports every time you die in a vehicle or lose ownership of a deployed asset, it could work like this: Every time you play for at least 30 minutes, after you have logged off for at least 15 minutes(just in case of quick linkdeads, or logging back in 5 minutes later), it will email you an overall report of all these things. Some of these things do not belong in public stats and would possibly be a waste of space for the game to maintain, that's why it should email you the info for your review, then discard it.
I guess another word for this would be "After Action Report". Also, these could be scheduled to be sent to you every night at midnight for the previous day's combined actions.
Outfits could also have telemetric records like this. And players and outfits could use this data to determine if they are placing forward bases in useful areas, that kind of thing.