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Old 2003-06-25, 09:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

No one cares what Canada thinks. One squadron of fighters and a few US tanks could lay waste to all of Canada. Canada is a military joke made for the amusement of Americans.

Canada would role over faster than France.

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Old 2003-06-25, 10:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
TekDragon's Avatar

Mtx stop picking on Canada. They are a very vital country. Where else would we get all of our ice?

Anyway, you make it sound like opposing nations with nuclear capabilities that just had said capabilities nuetralized by a missle sheild would turn to hiring terrorists.


The moment a deal went down between Russia and a terrorist group, or China and a terrorist group... the US (and allied) intellegence network would know.

Two things could happen then. If Bush or another conservative is president, we will immediately go global with a nuclear threat on said nation(s) if any WMD goes off on American or allied soil.

If we got some pussy liberal democrat like Clinton... well.... id say some bribing and begging would occur.. then wed get nuked.. then i dunno. Lets just hope we dont get a democrat.

*shudders at the thought of a liberal president in these times*
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Old 2003-06-25, 11:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar

Originally posted by TekDragon
Mtx stop picking on Canada. They are a very vital country. Where else would we get all of our ice?

Take political debate to the political debate forums kthx

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Old 2003-06-25, 11:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
First Sergeant
shinken's Avatar

oh so many fun things in this post,

A: canada sux majorly

B: although before a few years ago light only moved at 186268.4 MPS (pretty sure that was it, summer kills brain cells) recently they were able to use a super dense super cold compound they were able to slow a laser beam down to about 27 or 28 mps much much slower and able to actually be seen by a human eye though i dought that

C: on the fighters w/ lasers i doubt that, they would probably not be very effective unless at high altitude and all current pilots are trained to lead their targets because bullets are not an instantanious travel weapon so all pilots would have to be retrained to use the new weapon,
also the new JSF is scheduled to roll out in 2007 {along w/ many other new weapons like the XM-29 rifle which is alot like the punisher from PS look it up its cool } and it would have to be totaly revamped to use the new weapons system, so until we have space fighters it prolly wont happen, esp. scence, fighters ment for space flight would most likely have a nuclear fusion reactor powering the engines and weapons

"Oh, just your standard issue big gun"
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Old 2003-06-25, 11:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Lieutenant Colonel
NeoTassadar's Avatar

Originally posted by shinken
B: although before a few years ago light only moved at 186268.4 MPS (pretty sure that was it, summer kills brain cells) recently they were able to use a super dense super cold compound they were able to slow a laser beam down to about 27 or 28 mps much much slower and able to actually be seen by a human eye though i dought that
I heard something like that. But the compound that it was shown through: to say it was "Super cold" is understatement of the year. It was put to near-absolute-zero (for the only slightly educated, absolute-zero is when that space has NO energy in it whatsoever), something like 0.0001 K (C-236, I think is how you get Kelvin. Something close to that, anyway.) degrees.
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Old 2003-06-26, 06:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
First Sergeant

They are a very vital country. Where else would we get all of our ice?
Since Canada is (by far and away) the largest trading partner the US has, they in fact are completely vital.

The link to information on the chinese tank does nothing to dispel the call of BS. Using lights to screw with people's vision has been in use since WWII and before that even.

Shooting down an anti-tank missile isn't a matter of targeting...they don't fly all that fast, since they only need to hit tanks and not supersonic aircraft. The trick is putting enough power to either directly impede the flight path of the missile, or detonate its warhead. Completely infeasible with today's technology, you'd need a building sized powerplant hooked up by wires to the tank to pump out enough energy to do the job.
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Old 2003-06-26, 06:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Dyganth's Avatar

It's not a problem right now to make a laser that can dish out the power of a nuclear power plant, the only problem is that you have to have a nuclear power plant to power the sucker.

Once they figure out how to make a portable power source that powerful it'll be east from there on.
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