Do you consider the Jackhammer overpowered? (Balance whiners keep out) - Page 5 - PlanetSide Universe
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View Poll Results: How do you feel about the following HA Weapons?
I think the Jackhammer is Overpowered 41 42.71%
I think the jackhammer is well balanced 35 36.46%
I think the jackhammer is underpowered 11 11.46%
I think the MCG is overpowered 15 15.63%
I think the MCG is well balanced 39 40.63%
I think the MCG is underpowered 10 10.42%
I think the Lasher is overpowered 13 13.54%
I think the lasher is well balanced 36 37.50%
I think the lasher is underpowered 16 16.67%
I think HA should be removed from the game entirely 21 21.88%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 96. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-12-24, 02:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #61

Originally Posted by BadAsh
A point I'd like to make here... why is it a problem when an infantry guy can get more than 3 quick kills before dying?

HA did not introduce instagib into a game that has vehicular mowing, Reavers, 1-shot infantry kill tanks, orbital strikes for that mass instagib, boomers, Liberator bombers etc... there are dozens of ways to die quickly in this game. Pulling one out of the hat and blaming it for all the woes is just not right IMHO...

You can't compare an infantry weapon to vehicles and CR abilities. First off, the vehicles have to be purchased at a base and then driven to the battle. Even then they're usually destroyed fairly quickly (if the opponent knows what they're doing), at which point you have to buy another one and drive it all the way back to the fight. Not to mention the fact that most powerfull vehicles require 2 or more people to operate effectively, where as the jackhammer is a 1 man insta-gib weapon. Orbital strike not only requires a high CR rank, but it also has a very long timer on it and most infantry can run for cover or out of its radius before it actually goes off. On the other hand, the jackhammer can be purchased at any AMS, tower, or base terminal. You can also use a jackhammer inside where as all the things you mentioned are outside weapons only. I've never seen 2 guys clear a CC room with 4 defenders using a vangaurd or a reaver or an orbital strike, but i've seen it done with jackhammers and surge.
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Old 2003-12-24, 02:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
Incompetent's Avatar

HA does not dominate the game. It dominates anti-infantry CQB only.
Question one, what is the most important room in the game?
Question two, where is it located and how is it taken/held?

You can toss out stats until the day you die, it does not change one simple fact, fighting against HA is never fun. Nothing brings out as much swearing, discontent and sheer hatred as some little bitch with a HA weapon and surge, I would rather go one on one with a vanguard using a suppressor. And last i checked people played games for fun.

Last edited by Incompetent; 2003-12-24 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 2003-12-24, 02:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #63
First Lieutenant
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Originally Posted by Cyanide
I've never seen 2 guys clear a CC room with 4 defenders using a vangaurd or a reaver or an orbital strike, but i've seen it done with jackhammers and surge.
So, in your example, you are talking about 2 guys with HA killing 4 guys with MA? I should hope so, a 2 to 1 kill ratio is not so bad considering those 2 players invested more combined cert points in anti-infantry weapondry than all 4 of the MA users did.

Also, I've seen a plasma thumper own a CC with 5 defenders and I've seen a Pounder MAX kill several CC defenders clearing that out... that's a higher kill ratio with spending less certs... so why is HA the only problem?
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Old 2003-12-24, 02:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #64
Lieutenant Colonel
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All of the big HA fans are obviously trying to compensate for something.

Sorry, had to be said.
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Old 2003-12-24, 03:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #65
First Lieutenant
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Originally Posted by Incompetent
You can toss out stats until the day you die, it does not change one simple fact, fighting against HA is never fun. Nothing brings out as much swearing, discontent and sheer hatred as some little bitch with a HA weapon and surge, I would rather go one on one with a vanguard using a suppressor. And last i checked people played games for fun.
Nothing brings out more swearing? What the "little bitch" in his Reaver shooing hiking HA infantry? What about the "little bitch" Magmower efortlessly mashing several HA infantry? What about the "little bitch" infiltrator hiding invisibly around the corner with boomer set at the only room entrance? What about the "little bitch" with his flail spamming shots into a base court yard? The "little bitch" list can go on and there are many many "unfair" match-ups in this game.

Whats so "fun" about any of those? Seems to me "fun" is defined by whoever is using the more powerful tool given the situation. Those ill equiped die.

But this is a waste of time, you won't see what you don't want to see. So keep rushing HA infantry with MA and keep dying and keep bitching about it. Don't stop and think... herm... maybe I need more firepower so let me get an AI MAX or SW or *gasp* my own HA. Basically, you choose to not use HA and then choose to face HA on their own ground... you were thinking about as much as the grease stain on the bumper of the Vanguard.
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Old 2003-12-25, 12:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #66
The one, the only
SandTrout's Avatar

HA is not as highly of a specialized cert as some seem to think. The Lasher, MCG, and JH can make exelent anti-MAX weapons when combined with surge. I think the 1 balance to HA would be to remove/reduce the AP capablitys of the weapons. That way, MAXes are the counter to HA(they can't hack along with the 5-minute timer), and Decies and AV are the counter to MAXes.

The MCG also makes a good AA weapon, much better than the Lasher or JH.
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Old 2003-12-25, 12:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #67
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The Jackhammer is not overpowered.
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Old 2003-12-25, 01:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #68
Ed the MAD
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as a shotgun, it is best used in close quarters. i can honestly say that i have taken down many HA specialists using only a Sweeper. i have never really used a Jackhammer yet, because i prefer the MinniGun. and i'm more of a Pilot right now. but the Shotgun is not for use outdoors. many who say it's overpowered simply say that because they can't properly utilise the different weapons properly. for whatever reason.

i do belive it is underpowered. however, in all truth, i belive that all the weapons and vehicles in planetside are underpowered. that has to do mainly with the fact that i prefer a more realistic gameing expirience. however, all things being relative, it is still underpowered. as is the Gauss, the Enforcer, the Vanguard, and the Bolt driver.
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Old 2003-12-25, 02:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #69
First Sergeant
Unknown's Avatar

Oh for crying out loud, stop trying to jack the price of HA up to promote your cause. It's 4 cert points, not 6. "But you have to buy Medium assault first for 2 points". Yeah? So? You don't see people touting the cost of AV/Spec assault/Sniping as 5 points because of this do you? Even in this thread, someone tried to claim HA was 6 CP while thumper and sniper were "3 cert banes".
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Old 2003-12-25, 09:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #70
Sergeant Major

would you people stop this?

all HA weapons suck outdoors. yes the JH is a bit more powerfull in indoor fighting but only in stairs, in big rooms it's worthless. the lasher have an advantage over it that they can give covering fire, the main usage of heavy weaponry. you won't be so happy to run right into a room with orbs or shots covering it, even if it's a matter of luck weather or not you get hit. a JH has invisible shots, and won't kill anyone at more then 10 meters. this weakness more then balances the advantage it has in stairs.
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Old 2003-12-25, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #71

Essentially, I believe that yes, HA will dominate you indoors. Is that wrong? Hell no. Excluding things like MA, every certification in the game has a special purpose at which it excels, and at which it is better than anything else for that purpose. Is the Decimator good at what it does (Indoor MAX killing and shot range AV)? You'd better believe it. Are AV weapons better than any other weapon for long range AV? Hmm, I think there's a trend here... If you are getting killed too many times for your comfort by HA, then you're doing something wrong. Most likely, the thing you are doing wrong is trying to consistently beat HA indoors with MA, SA, or pistols. If that's not the case, then why the hell are you fuckers complaining about HA? Outdoors, vehicles can pwn any mindless grunt they goddamn fell like pwning, and Thumpers, Bolt Drivers, and their ilk can blow them away from long range. So, if you're complaining about how your Pulsar keeps getting pwned by Jackhammers, then suck it up.

P.S. Because I personally have not seen many surgers, on my side or as enemies, I cannot say much about the problems of Surge. However, if I am wrong, and if I am a mindless asshole spewing idiotic inventive, please tell me otherwise.
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Old 2003-12-25, 12:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #72
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Originally Posted by Unknown
Oh for crying out loud, stop trying to jack the price of HA up to promote your cause. It's 4 cert points, not 6. "But you have to buy Medium assault first for 2 points". Yeah? So? You don't see people touting the cost of AV/Spec assault/Sniping as 5 points because of this do you? Even in this thread, someone tried to claim HA was 6 CP while thumper and sniper were "3 cert banes".
You are correct. Poor editing on my part, I added the thumper and sniper to my list as afterthoughts forgetting to add "*" note that they have the MA pre-req too.

I'm just sick of getting killed by some guy in a reaver, respawning, then killing him with my MCG when he gets out and tries to hack my tower/base. Then I get a tell calling me a "HA Pussy". Whatever, I suppose killing infantry in a reaver is somehow more "manly" than a MCG vs. Sweeper match-up? Laff...

Moral of the story: You need the right certs and right gear to match the situation you are in. If you don't have HA, SA, or a MAX then don't assault/defend the CC room. Going in there with less and complaining is as goofy as if I went there in standard armor with a suppressor and whined about Agile/MA being overpowered. "I'm outgunned" - No shiznit goofball, cert and gear up correctly for the tasks you want perform or get owned... That is what PS is all about�

Now if only 1 empire had HA or only 1 had MAX units, then I could understand the argument.... but, that's not the case at all.
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Old 2003-12-25, 01:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #73

Great post Ash
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Old 2003-12-25, 01:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #74
Sergeant Major

Originally Posted by BadAsh
I'm just sick of getting killed by some guy in a reaver, respawning, then killing him with my MCG when he gets out and tries to hack my tower/base. Then I get a tell calling me a "HA Pussy". Whatever, I suppose killing infantry in a reaver is somehow more "manly" than a MCG vs. Sweeper match-up? Laff...

Moral of the story: You need the right certs and right gear to match the situation you are in. If you don't have HA, SA, or a MAX then don't assault/defend the CC room. Going in there with less and complaining is as goofy as if I went there in standard armor with a suppressor and whined about Agile/MA being overpowered. "I'm outgunned" - No shiznit goofball, cert and gear up correctly for the tasks you want perform or get owned... That is what PS is all about�
To be fair, if you don't have AV, AA Max, or an AA vehicle don't complain about getting killed by reavers. Every cert can be trumped by something else. I say leave HA alone for now and fix surge.
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Old 2003-12-25, 02:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #75
Sergeant Major

what's wrong with surge? only thing I can think of is the warping. warping comes from lag and not even the devs can fix that, it's part of a bigger problem called "The internet". infinite surge is a problem, like all forms of cheating, but normal surge is fine, yeah it gets you a few kills but it burns you out fast to. it's "get 5 kills, respawn, and run back" unless you're really good.

as for HA, leave it alone, I don't see you all crying about tanks owning buggies.
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