What ****** me through the job I do.. There would be days I wouldn't worry at all and be able to do the job with confidence. Never fear of the challenges it'll place on me... But it has been four days during my time in employement, I feared and was afraid of the possibility that myself or my fellow mates would get hurt.. And it was true.
Best example was Feburary 18th. the whole day I had worried, but didn't know the reason, and since I work at nights all the time, I was left worrying at home until going to work... 0300hrs a suspicious person was waiting at the entrance of the Airport. He threatened my guys I work for, and pulled out a concealed knife from his pocket, attempting to stab the personel we were escorting. Luckly we stopped him from stabing him... What was weird though, this never happened during the time I served in the Military.
~ Whole Lotta Love Goin On In The Middle Of Hell ~