Sporkfire has just posted this week's Development Activites. Here is just a portion of his post:
The Dev Team is currently in the process of analyzing the status of Version 2.7 and planning the contents of version 2.8. The following items have been confirmed as 2.8 features and are under active development for that release.
Data tracking is being implemented to begin the tracking process for Merit Commendations. With the first update, no awards will be available, though the data will start being tracked to count toward the first round of commendations when they are released. The shoulder pad will be implemented and the Meritorious Service (one year of playing) commendation will be available.
The Map screen will now feature an overlay grid, dividing the map into sectors that can be easily identified and communicated. A soldier's grid location will be shown in the proximity radar.
A new feature is being implemented called Proximity Squad formation. This feature will simplify the squad formation process by sending an invite to un-squadded players within a certain radius of the player who initiates the command.
Players will have the ability to spawn multiple chat windows, where they can send different channels to. For example, a player could create a new window that all broadcast chat would be sent to.
As always, you can find the entire list of activities on the
Official Forums.
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