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Old 2003-03-06, 01:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
First Lieutenant
Revolution's Avatar

(I'd want to be called Cobra Commander and start an army of blue soldier dudes with red cobra insignia's and scream COBRA!!! before each attack, and have a secret layer on an island or a desolated mountain in the Alps or something.)- Yes I grew up in the GI JOE era of the 80's

I would use suicide bombing speedboats or boat fire squads to strike and shut down all seatrade including as first priority oil tankers, till the world economy collapsed and had no gas to keep the globe running on normal means.

I'd aquire WMD and use tactically to take out the majority of population in Europe and the USA.

I'd wait till fire season and send cells to start forest fires anywhere and everywhere jumping from state to state starting fires in every major forest possible(you thought last year was bad HAH!!) Burn the Country Down!

I'd sabotage train tracks to shut down train transit. I'd have men near airports shooting down commercial planes, and target us mail/fed ex/UPS as first priority and passengers as second. I'd have suicide bombers blow up busses in a bunch of major cities and small towns. That should shut down transportation pretty good, and stop the mail systems a bit. I'd have snipers or sabotage major highways around the countries to terrorize motorists and also try to take out commerical trucking.

I'd have scuba suicide squads to hit coastal port cities.

I'd ignite a Nuke under water off the coast of the country causing a Tidal Wave of Mass Destruction to take out the coastline cities(actually wonder if that one would work)

........Just to name a few......
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Old 2003-03-06, 06:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Troll x2
Destroyeron's Avatar

Destroyeron, and I'd use explosives
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Old 2003-03-06, 06:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

I'd take the dev's hostage, and make them gimme beta
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  PlanetSide Universe > General Forums > The Lounge



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