Looting corpses for empire specific equipment was always a fun and exciting mechanic in Planetside, allowing me to use the enemies weapons and tactics against them in battle. Stashing my locker with Vanu and Alien ammo and weapons really made defending towers interesting, especially when wanting to use different tactics and strategies against certain opponents.
I haven't seen anything on backpack looting in Planetside 2 yet, but was wondering if you think we would see it; why or why not. For me, I think it would be beneficial not only for the player that loots the backpack, but also for SOE to make some Station Cash sales. There could be some limitations and different rules setup for the system to balance it out, but this is what I'm thinking.
First off I'm sure we've all seen the gold plated
Magshot and
Beamer, so just imagine picking one up when you loot a corpse for equipment (with the appropriate class of course). You might think to yourself "Wow this looks really cool! I think I'm gonna get this for my own weapon!" or something similar. This would not only show off Station Cash appearance items and weapon skins, but it would also show the customization and personalization for each weapon. To limit accessibility, perhaps there will be a lock timer once equipped since its being held by a different empire, such as after 10 minutes the weapon disintegrates, or perhaps the weapon can be sabotaged with a taze, poison gas, or flash bang effect if equipped by an opposing faction.
There are a lot of rules and options they can make available for this sort of system, just curious what you all think.