UPDATE 2: We have two gameplay videos below - check them out!
UPDATE: We now have a Mumble server! Members only, so sign up to join in! There is a website on the way, too.
You're enjoying yourself in PlanetSide 2, but really wish that your fellow New Conglomerate buddies were a little more...organised? Wishing they'd pay more attention, by actually holding capture points whilst attacking a facility as opposed to running around shooting to up their kill/death ratio? Perhaps you'd just like a nice chat with some like-minded individuals. If some of that resonates with you, and you're looking for a New Conglomerate outfit on Cobalt (EU), then Liberty's Vanguard is for you.
As a frequent platoon/squad leader, I've already bumped into people who want all of the above and more. Victory at any cost, of course, but without the stress and 'rage' often exhibited by some players. While leading these players, friendships have bonded and many a person has come back to play with me and my friends again and again - so I guess I'll create an outfit!
One thing to point out is that membership to Liberty's Vanguard doesn't require so many hours played, a minimum Battle Rank, and a dedication to play the game at certain times on certain days. Come online when you fancy, play with us, and enjoy yourself - and once I get a Mumble server purchased, feel free to connect to it and have a good chat whilst gunning down Terran Republic and Vanu Sovereignty scum. After all, the New Conglomerate is all about freedom - life comes first! Be free in your choice regarding whether or not you play PlanetSide 2 or not.
Tweet at me or message me on Twitter (
@JGMarsden), contact me in game (SuperJoeUK) or add me on Steam (
superjoeuk) if you're interested in joining the outfit - no strings attached!
If you'd like to know any more about the outfit, or feel that my opening post is a little lacking in some way, then please let me know in this thread!