Originally Posted by PredatorFour
One important thing to think of is when will the mission start? and when will it end ??
In my particular design mission starts right after order marker is placed and ends, if either order is fulfilled, or the person giving orders puts up a new one. Not to mentioned that missions can be canceled.
Originally Posted by PredatorFour
Also is the mission bonus enough to draw farmers away from their desired farm to get points ? and mission credibility, who is just spamming griefing missions ? (just for the sake/leading troops to their deaths)
1. No fair bonus will attract "farmers" this IS why they are called farmers.
2. In my image, the default mission, even an open one, will not have any "followers" outside a squad at first. This should potentially solve many griefing problems since an order will at first have to earn the trust (order follower count can be a perfect indication). Besides, griefing will always exist in all shapes and forms, you simply can't stop inappropriate behavior from happening occasionally.