I just saw the pics squeeky set up of the Marauder and the Harasser. Now i dont mind about the Harasser havign a 360o gun pivot for its main gun. Then i look at the Marauder. Its got the Grenade launcher AND the 12mm rotary chaingun. I frankly think this is unfair. All the other jeeps have only one weapon, either nerf the 12mm or give them to the enforcer and the vanus thing. At the very least put the damned thing back onto a limited pivot!
While on the topic of these jeeps i think that all heavy buggys should have 3 men seated in them. This is another advantage the marauder has over the other two factions. I think thats giving them a bit to much.
Conclusion, make it even or nerf the damned marauders 12mm
Ban with me NC, ban with me **gulp vanu** make the game fair! WE WANT MORE GUNS!