After hours and hours of trying to get in, 4 am est and there were 3000 people still in. First and only battle i participated in was for a base we (tr) were defending against vs.
Now in closed beta, there were some rather big tower battles and every now and again a good base fight but this was just insane. Theres gonna be no tactics and no way to control such massive numbers of people. There had to be 100s on each side everyone just rushing everyone else...To imagine that these battles are gonna be even more kinda make me think what this game is ultimately going to be, and thats just all out skilless war.
I liked it in closed, but now this is what the game will be like in the future, and im not liking what im seeing. You gotta figure in the hundreds of people there about 20 people on each side were sniping everyone else was running around in max's and you had all the people in between. Before me and a friend could usually defend the cc but now its like you need 20 people to guard anything.
From defending that base i felt no accomplishment from holding them off, not like i use to, because in the grand scheme of things 1 person really doesnt make a difference anymore when you look at the amount of people defending and attacking with you.