I originally posted this in the beta forums, but since not everyone has access to those forums, I figured I'd post it here as well.
I've done up a little document that I hope you guys find useful.
I've made a spreadsheet that lists all 13 continents. Using this spreadsheet, it will tell you the quickest way to get from any one continent to any other continent. Just find your current continent on the left hand side, then find the continet you want to go to up top. Where the two meet is the warpgates, in order, you need to take to get there.
The roadmap is formatted to print on a single sheet of paper, as long as you orient the page to landscape. Also, there may be different routes to a continent than the one I have listed. I only listed one route in order to save space.
TeamPlanetSide's WarpGate Roadmap
Our website isn't up yet, but I hope you guys enjoy this. The members of my oufit (Happy Little Hug Factory) have found it really useful.