Look at the continents and who locks what. You'll see an interesting trend. The three one hop (further more known as backyard) continents are almost always locked by the empire that has the sanctuary link to them. Searhus is fought over by whoever is feeling perky. Sometimes you see someone venture into a backyard continent, but it's almost always repulsed and beaten back soundly.
This trend leads to somewhat one sided fights. Usually you have the empire invading the backyard winning a few bases. Then they fight hard for a few. Finally they are hit by a tsunami of reinforcements and get kicked off the map.
I want to discuss ways to avoid this tendency. My suggestion is to have a single warpgate island. Each empire has a sanctuary warpgate on this island. The island has access to every continent on it. It's also weapons locked so you can't fight on it. Anyway, you can access all the continents from this island.
When you enter a warpgate it drops you off at your empires dropoff point on the target continent. Lets say you are TR and want to go to cyssor. Well you step onto the cyssor warpgate and it takes you to the NE end of cyssor continent. There is a warpgate there for you to enter but it has no lattice connections to any bases. It's only purpose is to allow you to enter and not get shot up while your zoning.
Once your warp in you can move on towards your objective. This will make turning a base neutral a more common tactic or else starting from a friendly continent and using the existing continent to continent gates to continue an attack.
All of the current contienent to continent links would stay, the only difference is that no sanctuary would be directly linked to a continent. All three sanctuaries would lead to the warp island and from there you go on to a continent. Each continent will have it's on unique empire specific Island entrance warpgate though.
So, that's my thought on that issue. Any suggestions on how to improve it or flaws I over looked?