Zarparchior, if you ever want to meet on Ish so you can get a hug. Just lemme know.
Are the TR's carrying around a lot of Strikers? You bet your ass we are! But with good reason...
Early after release, every noob on the server was flying a Reaver (specially the VS), we'd go after a base and never make it to it cause the second we came into sight we were almost instantly covered by was not good times. So we grabbed our Strikers instead of our AA MAX. Why? Cause our AA MAX cant hit anything thats moving more than 15 kph due to no lock on ability. If your not coming straight after us or are moving, it's simply hard to kill a Reaver but 1 footman can take you out with a Jackhammer even if you unload 2 clips at him. So Strikers it is, effective against anything that isnt on foot.
But it's like this for all Empires. You go against TR's, your going against Strikers and Dual-Cycler MAX's. You go against NC, everyone and their mom has a Jackhammer and a Phoenix. VS swarm with air vehicles and MAX's due to most of their guns sucking. (I feel for you VS, I really do)
I guess what I'm trying to say in this post is that a weapon is only overpowered when everyone your going against has one. But of coarse everyone on that empire is going to use the higher powered weapon cause no one wants to be a gimp.
Last edited by Tricky; 2003-06-03 at 07:03 PM.