Help with Adv Engineer - a few questions
I just made BR6 last night and after trying a few things, a few days ago, I became an Advanced Engineer - I also have the Galaxy cert and thats all for now.
I am not sure how deployables work in the game. There is a limit of so many mines and spitfires - but if I set some up at one base and then my squad moves to another base, my old deployables count against my totals. Do they disappear after a while? Can I destroy them somehow (without a gun).
Also - I tried using the boomers and every time I trigger one, it just disappears like it was a dud. Is there a trick? I presume it works like a satchel pack in Tribes 2 - deploy, it arms and then you hit the button to detonate. Can you also only have one of these active?
I was also dismayed to find that I could not place boomers in an enemy SOI. So most of the stuff is good only for holding your base but I really do not understand the XP incentive to defend a base against attack. Dont I make more XP if I get in a squad and cap bases?
I had to trade in med assault for the Avd ENG cert and I am not sure I want to play this role as it seems a lot less useful than a deployer in Tribes.
I want to work towards more of a leader/tech/support role - maybe get hacking soon, but I would like to have SOMETHING that lets me do damage - maybe the lightning cert.
I want to keep the Gal cert because as a commander, I think it is useful along with basic ENG to transport and repair my crew while keeping an eye on the situation.
Any advice?
Oh - I have a good comp and connection, I used to play light defense in Tribes (very LPB dependent) I just find non combat roles more interesting in PS.