The most obvious of these two me is the "long wait times to get into the action" - Sorry, this one I really can't agree with. Play any other MMOG and the wait times are 2-3x what you see in PS.
Dont compare downtime in a RPG to downtime in a FPS. It makes you look silly. What downtime is there in Tribes? Unreal Tournament? Or maybe you dont want to focus on non-MM games. Ever play 10six? I could log on, grab a gun, armor, mods, gear, and vehicles and head to an enemy base within 2 minutes.
PS has 1/50-1/100 the weapons/armor/mods/gear that 10six had. PS has a fraction of the complexity. Yet PS has more downtime. Hmmm....
There's some other ones that are questionable, each continent in PS has it's own rather unique feel compared to the others. For instance while Cyssor / Amerish and Forestal are all 'green' each one plays and feels signficantly different then others.
It doesnt realy matter what the terrain looks like when the developers designed the game so that the ONLY thing that mattered was bases. They didnt design in a way to keep frontlines out in the wilds. It happens sporadically, but 95% of the fighting happens around bases.
Keeping that in mind: the devs decided to see just how lazy they could be and designed FIVE bases for the ENTIRE world for handling almost ALL of the combat. Of COURSE a reviewer is going to say everything looks the same.
If the devs do one of the following (or both), then it wont be an issue:
1. Find a way to move the front lines out into the terrain
2. Spend a few hours making some more god damn base designs
Until they feel like doing either of these, one an important game design, and the other a simple task requiring a minimum of effort... then a reviewer should be free to critisize.