My questions:
Platoons already mentioned but I'd like to reiterate it here.
Are any changes to the in game VoIP system planned for the new platoon feature?
There is an alliance chat channel, but no alliance feature, is this planned soon?
When can we see an XML feed off of MyPlanetside?
Is the bomber going to be dropped right into the game or will we see some play testing on the "Staging" server first? (same goes for the other new vehicles I suppose).
Did you know that Colosus of Tribalwar fame and I talked to you at E3 without beating you up? (You didn't seem to recognize him even though you've met a few times. You cleaned up his trash and he asked for a steak dinner).
Any changes planned for the lattice? My only reccomendation is that once a base has been hacked it must be resecured before the lattice links leading from that base can be used (ie only bases under full control of an empire can be used in the lattice chain. Help to deal with the musical bases problem still plaguing the game).