OMFG, they bleeped out gun
I have been a happy fan of MTV2 for a while. But i really hate the censorship. I peronally hate any censorship, unless something is utterly gratuatis (sp, hahaha). I think that cuss words shouldn't be offensive to any intelligent person, i think that a few boobs shouldn't piss anyone off, and i think that people really shouldn't be that easily offended by anything that's put on TV. If they don't like it, they can turn it off. But i'll put up with a bit. What i don't like, is when the bleep out GUN. That's right, GUN......
"so she told me she had a ___"
"sounded like she'd used it before"
Sure, the song is almost pornographic in it's lacking of litterary value, but GUN. OMG
oh my god, GUN, that's so fucking offensive. URGH, i hate this crap. Man i'm having a bad day, back to AGN and the bottle.
Real men don't have signatures.
funny link of the always changing time period: