I know that people have been grieving that planetside is based on purely offensive tactics and that an offense can cripple any type of defense. Lately in planetside offense has been crippling defense and bases shift back and forth between empires hourly, and heres why:
Not only are people in this game not patient, but they're not willing to do the dirty work. I know its a game and its not supposed to be work, but when i say work i mean do the jobs that no one else will do(going on ANT runs, securing a perimeter,reconnaisance, dedicated galaxy piloting, gaurding a Control Console). Particularly defensive positioning: i'm talking about using the sandbag things the way you're supposed to, using the base's cover as an advantage, using elevated ground, holding a line, PATROLLING, R-E-C-O-N. But i think if people tried these things out they would not be so dissapointed.
People are constantly asking what the incentive in this game is, and I'll tell you what i think it is. I think it's the feeling you get when you trample an enemy empire using strategy and teamwork, and did so with a challenge to face whilst doing so. You will never reap any "digital rewards" for this accomplishment, but you'll feel good going on the internet next day and looking at the results for the last day, seeing you're empire come out in first and saying yea we wooped ass yesterday those TR fucks didnt touch us(oops
I know i dont feel good if i just zerged the hell out of a base, in fact i scold any squad members in my outfit squad if they wander off and don't work together on their assignments. They might be pissed about it for the time being, but sooner or later they realized they were the backbone of the entire fight. They didn't want to patroll the outer perimeter to look for an AMS, because "WHY in all gods name would an AMS be there?" But when they accidently stumble upon one in the middle of their reluctantly executed patrol run, thy actually feel like they were much more part of the attack than that stupid reaver was who just had to click the mouse button a few times to destroy the AMS.
So i hope u get the general idea, and maybe this post will help a few people get the idea of what this game is really all about.