Digital Marines do not know when to stop. It's like telling a kid not to get the cookies. The kid will probably break dishes just to get a cookie and look up at you saying that he didn't do it.
I wish all zerg outfits would just go away.....The DragonWolves have consistently disproven the theory that you need a large outfit to compete. And quite frankly, none of us really care if we're the top 10 or top anything. We play the game to have fun. Our fun is ruined when anyone cheats, being in our empire or anothers. If you ruin our fun, then you ruin it for everyone else. Be responsible for your outfit. Alert your commanders if someone is using a cheat. If your commander keeps that person, then I suggest you leave that outfit and find a more reputable one.
Commanding Officer
To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread