Originally Posted by flypengy
#1: TTK is better on MCG than JH so if you're whining about the JH... stop... because the MCG is now more powerful than the "noobhammer".
#2: The cool down time for the triple shot is very long... after you do the triple shot you are a sitting duck for a long time, you might as well be reloading.
#2: It is very hard to kill someone with the triple shot, especially in laggy battles like I'm sure most of you play. After you have missed with that shot you have more than ample opportunity to kill the person since they can't shoot for a while.
#3: The lasher can kill someone in 4-5 shots. (Not the 20 that your no aiming selves do). The same conditions to make all the pellets hit someone with a JH should make the lasher orbs just as easy to hit someone. (close quarters). Out doors the JH will have an advantage because it doesn't have to deal with near the travel time that orbs do.
#4: The JH is not a point and click weapon. You do have to lead your enemy. That rumour needs to be dispelled. You don't have to lead as much as the lasher or the mcg... but you do have to lead.
#5: The JH was nerfed. It's near impossible to kill an agile in 2 shots like it use to take. And just as hard to kill a rexo in 3. The MCG was boosted and the JH was nerfed... sorry... this sounds like a bunch of whiners that don't know how to lose...
#6: Aimbots... just please... stop... I refuse to even comment on something so ignorant. This isn't CS kiddies... get over losing.
Thanks for saving me the typing Pengy.