zerging getting worse?
Is it me, or are all the sides just zerging day by day in pop-locking numbers this past week. Primarily it seems to be the NC and VS zerging, but the TR has their day too. I rekon its becasue of the two empire thing. People are spending a day on one empire, then another on the next. They get owned and they switch, then before you know we have a millenium bridge effect where the population is all chaning in step to avoid getting wiped out, leaving behind the true players.
The "displaced" population with their newer charachters have no outfit so tend to go with the crowd, causing this unprecidented locust like swarm devouring each base one by one in apocolyptic numbers. Huge numbers of vehicles carpeting the ground and so many infantry when they all charge the base every inch of every corridor is jammed. I'd be very interested to see any population movement info on this note.
I've had to quit two concecutive days running now. Not becasue im loosing, and not becasue I'm being zerged, but becasue our bases are getting SO zerged my PC freezes. I might get low fps every so often in the worst zergs, but no mass zerg has ever been so stupid as to concentrate THIS much. The zergs ususaly split a bit and take different bases.