Superweapons on sale! now for only $29.99
I haven't played since a couple of weeks before CC was out and now that I'm back I'm shocked. yeah the game got amazingly better, the battles bigger, and the bases are actually a challenge, but one thing is just totally pissing me off.
you guessed right, the flail or whatever it's called. 1 shot kill, pretty good ROF, great accuracy, basiclly a super weapon. I like it, I always thought the game needs artillery, but not like this! the weapons own, but anyone who doesn't bow down to SOE and pay for updates that according to everything they advertised should be free can't use them! how am I supposed to deal with a flail? unless I'm a CR5 I can't!
what's next? "Planetside: WOMD" ?
serisously! that thing needs to be available to everyone or just underground!