some feild things for CE and AM.
oh course i have things i want to add... its me damn it!
barbed wire- it will be a little wall of barbed wire that 3 feet tall and 5 feet long. can be passed through but you will take 10 dmg if you are in armor... this means standerd and up.
semi pungy pit- it will not be a real pungy pit par-say but it will be little spikes in the ground of course but rather you falling in it comes up and stabs you taking hafe health and it can not kill you... so if you HAD 100% it would be 50% and if you had 2 it would be 1.
bounsing betty- ok if you dont know what this is its a mine made to mame troops... it does this by bouncing out of the ground and shooting shrapnel all over
lader- used to scall walls and to pass over barbed wire
emp mine- same as a normal mine but this is designed to emit a emp wave in a 5 feet radius... just like a jammer but i mine.
medkit genkit- gives the AM the ability to make med kits
stem packkit- gives the AM the ability to make stem packs wich are used to restoure you stanima
M.A.S.H- its not like the kind we have now but more like a deliverer that lets out a healing wave or what ever and it heals friendlys in its little area.
nano-pathigen 'nade- a little nade that pisons troops and slowly kills them... i mean it just couses them to take more dmg than normal and on implact it slows them down and resets the implant timers.