A little something to think about...
Who is really the good guy in this game? The three empires each can be good or bad, and they each believe they are the good guys to some extent... but still, who is really right?
The Terran Republic-If they are the good guys, they really did nothing to the VS or the NC, and they are trying to reunify and restore peace to the world
-If they are bad, they stifled human rights, killed any who complain about it, and are trying to destroy the other empires to gain total domination
The New Conglomerate
-If they are the good guys, then the Terran Republic, or atleast someone in power, are bad. The NC could be trying just to establish a world where everyone is free.
-If they are bad, their agenda is to destroy government and create chaos and anarchy on Auraxis. They could be trying just to bring down government, and then possibly rise up from the chaos and rule all of the people of Auraxis
The Vanu Sovereignty
-If the Vanu Sovereignty are good, they are trying to use technology to better the human race. They see the Vanu artifacts as gifts to the humans and are trying to unlock their secrets so all of humankind can live better
-If they are bad, then they are simply using the technology to corrupt the human race into mindless slaves bent to their will.
so, whadaya think? Post your opinions, including the ones that say i'm just thinking too much about the game...