Question about names and outfits
One thing that concerns me about Planetside is the 'first come, first served' nature of names - i.e. you cannot choose a name that someone else already has. People who want specific names that have already gone will have to add numbers or underscores or use other ways to keep their name unique, which would look a bit crappy. Also, people like Hamma wouldn't be too chuffed if some kid stole their name before they registered. So i was wondering whether Outfit names will have an effect on this - i.e. being in DsV would mean that i could keep the name Joker as long as no one else in DsV is already called that, since my name would still be unique, even if another outfit had a member called Joker.
Another question is, would all four of your characters have to have different names, or could they all have the same name?
Joker - DsV
Woah! Too much goddamn information!