Another quick RAM question
I'm planning on upgrading my current machine (Athlon XP 2200, 512mb RAM, cheapass mobo, and Ti4200) with a new mobo, processor, and memory. This time I plan on overclocking, so I'll probably get a 2500+ and a good overclocking motherboard (I'm thinking the Abit NF7. I have a pretty powerful watercooling rig, so I can probably break 200mhz FSB without a problem. The question I have is for the memory. Should I get 512mb really fast, low-latency, dual channel RAM that will definately run at 1:1 with the FSB when (if?) I pass 200mhz FSB, or should I get 1gig of the cheapest brand-name PC3200 RAM I can find, and potentially run it at a 5:4 ratio?