Organized Platoon Recall - (Your Comments)
When people ask for "1 villa sanc" Dev reply it would be too laggy.
The main reason they are asking for it is so that they could coordinate their platoon much easier when they recall.
So it hit me, why not do just that.
Make it so that when someone recalls they go to the spawnroom that is nearest to the most platoon members.
So everyone in the same Platoon spawns at the same Villa, in the same Spawn room
Galaxy drivers will benefit most, because they can quickly and easily load troops.
What new players need most when they start PlanetSide is a friendly Galaxy to fly down where they spawn and pick them up.
It would be great to kick this off with the launch of AfterShock.
This will be a massive boost to organization and tactical aspects of PlanetSide.
So, what do you think? How would you be able to use this?