Today i was thinking (like you do) but when i realy should have been focusing on Glacial mass balance in geography, my mind was locked on the politics of Auraxis. (in other words i was day dreaming about planetside
Ever since ive started playing ive always thought the New Conglomerate are very similar to modern terrorists, what with their racism and single minded ideas. but today i though along new lines. The NC are very similar to the Communist parties of eastern europe in the 1930's they broke away from the Republic to start there own ideal society away from opression. As you can see kinda similar so far dont you think. so as an acurate interperatation of the NC in comparesen to modern history, they are a sort of Terrorist Communism, strange i know but there you go!
They arn't the only ones, the Terran Republic reminds me of the 1940's socialist parties of Germany crossed with the capitalist dictatorships we have in the west. this is due to their mass opression and general ruthlesnes, whilst still maintianing the whym of a republic!
The Vanu Sovereignty are the hardest to label, as we have no past alien technology on good old Terra. after carful consideration i think the Vanu are most like the people of the French revolution. for those who dont know owt about the history of france the little people rose up against the monarchy and ended up forming a republic (bit ironic in this case
) which in all fairness has worked wonders for france. however this still did end in lots of death, the populus of france then decided to make a nice colection of the nbles heads! the guiletine is the first recorded weapon of mass genoside.
so anyway, i know i digressed a lot in that, but i think i made my point, could planetside be a warning that humans will never change? or is it just a good fun game where you get to blow up n00b con players? .......... proberbly the latter but its nice to dream!