Originally posted by SandTrout
The French are just impeading the rest of NATO at this point, and I think they should just leave NATO and let us get on with it. I don't have anything against the French people in particular, but their Gov. is starting to piss me off. The Germans at least are only saying they wont support an atack on Iraq, but probably wont impead it either.
The US sees a war on Iraq as being in the best interest of the American people and will therefore do whatever it can to start a war.
France sees a war on Iraq as not in the best interest of the french people, and will do whatever it can to prevent a war.
I find it tough to damn a nation that is looking out for the interests of its people. (Isn't that what we elect our politicians to do; to represent our interests?)
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh
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