Congratulations Markov TR CR5's
Tonight the Markov TR CR imartyr decided to have the zerg defend two bases on Ceryshen, Tootega and Pinga, against an overwhelming force of NC and VS. AT this point we had complete control of Searhus, Hossin and Forseral. All of a sudden the NC zerg move to Searhus, as do 43 TR who realize what they are going to do. They pop lock Searhus and we get maybe 10 more people, despite numerous pleads to the CR in command. Searhus is lost. The NC zerg then moves to Hossin, and again we plead for more troops, but in about 45 mins they take Hossin. At this point I am thinking, wow they must have taken Ceryshen with no trouble. I was wrong, the vs owned it with the exception of Pinga and Igaluk. The people I had been fighting with all night, as well as I, wonder why two bases were more important than two whole conts. I /tell imartyr as he just globaled for more troops to ceryshen and asked him. The response was this: "Those can be re-won, it's just a game." This absolutely pissed me off, it is the oldest excuse there is, and I called him a moron. At that point he said I should talk to him like a human being, to which replied: "Ok then, answer my question." No answer. Now all that the TR has is Forseral, which is next on the list, and the NC and VS each have four conts and two caverns. So, in conclusion, good job imartyr and the rest of the TR CR5's.
Last edited by Kam; 2004-12-17 at 11:32 PM.