Reasons behind �No insta hit weapons�?
Granted we don�t have instant hit weapons in the real world ether, but since bullets travel faster than we can react then let�s just assume that anything faster than we can react to is �Insta hit�
Now the PlanetSide world is massive, battles will most likely take play around bases which in turn will be set in these massive open grounds. So my question is, what is the reasoning behind giving ALL projectiles a travel time? This seem a little odd to me, surly it will be darn near impossible to hit anyone more than 100meters away from you, If you have to led your Target.
�But TimberWolf maybe it�s a short travel time and they are all really fast�
Maybe so, but then why would Dave have mentioned it if they had fast travel times?
One of the biggest flaws in Tribes 2 ( IMO ) was the lack of instant hit weapons, ALL bar one had an insane travel time, you could watch your projectile travel towards your target (and so could your target). If you had any chance of hitting a target you had to led by a huge amount. After a while I just gave up.
Perhaps someone in the know could explain the reasoning behind giving projectiles travel times in a game based in a huge setting.
Thanks in advance
[ -> Squeeky <- ] = Teh RoXXoRz!1!
"Damn, Those Vanu bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!"
"Rip off my sig and I'll shit down your neck!"