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Old 2006-04-16, 03:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Master Sergeant
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2 Years and Nothing Has Changed?

I originally wrote this to go on the PS forums, but I guess reserves cannot post there, so copy and paste ftw.

I remember for years I was following Planetsides every move, and I couldn't wait until this game came out. It was a good day indeed when I got into the exclusive beta. Planetside was so much fun. I continued to play through release. With my crew of about 15 people, we were an organized outfit. I've experienced Soloside, and I've done the whole totally organized Platoon. We had alot of fun, tons of war stories to talk about. We played right up until BFRs came out. Most people understand this though, and I don't have to explain why.

Then the reserves program comes out, what, a year later? Almost 2?
I was thinking, what the hell, maybe the game has changed some. To my suprise, it has changed very, VERY little. Not only has it hardly changed, but the SAME BUGS are still present. Invulnerable vehicles, BFRs out of sink, the Black Room bug from BETA! The bug list could go on, but you get the idea.

I find myself getting annoyed all over again and almost ready to put it down again. Not from dying. I don't mind getting killed. Its from the game seeming to do all that it can to make peoples gaming experience an uphill battle. The same old annoying crap.

You could easily take a look at other FPS's, and say, why don't I just play that? Planetside's big gimic is the huge battles, but from what I understand, those were pretty much non-existant until reserves came along.

PS is dying, but its not dead. Devs you have a perfect oportunity here do so something to save it. And thats the Reserves. People, like myself, come back after a while to try it out, and just go this is the same thing with all the same issues I quit for a year ago. And the off chance that tons of reserves are actually going to pick the game up after a year, not likely. Some might, but most will not when you can go play games with 3 times the content, 1/10 the bugs, for free.

There are a hundred very little, very easy things to impliment that any few of them would make this game 100% better.

For one. Get rid of the whole matrix thing. It doesn't work anymore. Just give people the ability to spawn anywhere they want on the map. I HATE the fact that I just feel trapped in a fight. I either have to stay there, and let the enemy farm me, and recall to sanc and then heart drop to the good battle thats just 2 bases over on the lattice. By the time I get to the sanc, its just too much hastle to do it. If you REALLY want to keep the matrix and don't want to give players freedom, then AT LEAST allow us to spawn and every adjacent base on the lattice.

Allow people to spawn on their squad leader. Hell, Allow that, and scrap AMSs, or allow both. Would give the scouting infiltraitor a major role in the game again. But AMS aside, just the ability to spawn on the squad leader would be a huge improvement.

If you are an engineer and you're in a vehicle, when your stopped, your vehicle should repair other nearby vehicles. If you're a medic, you should heal nearby players. If you have a transport or 2 man, ones an engy and ones a medic, you should heal people and repair vehicles. I would put money on the fact that you will see the Footzerg die down after that.

Since now Core Combat is just added to everyones account, stop making people have to go down there for all the benefits. There is no point to it now. Just make all bases have pain fields, shield, vehicled/weapon mods.

Lodestar needs to be changed. Why the hell doesn't this thing carry only 2? Make it like the mini-galaxy. 3-5 passengers, all with galaxy guns, no MAX capability, but give it SOMETHING.

Bases need some major refinement. Tunnels, boxes, crates, back door, blah blah. Not much you can do, but what you CAN do would make a huge difference. Give all bases those bunkers in front of both entances, hell maybe even one at the back door too. Make it so the only way in them, is through the CY or from inside the base itself. Put some EQ terms in there, and a Med term or 2, and an IFF lock and bam, you got yourself some useful bunkers. Giving people more options and the ability to "Dig-in" to bases alot more.

This list can go on and on. Planetside is not dead yet, but unless you do something to stir things up a bit, it will die. And I'm not talking about "Funny Hat Day", or Wild Wild Wild West events. Its neat, but not enough.

You can save Planetside. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your jobs devs, because god knows theres more going on behind the scenes, but the fact that almost nothing has changed in 2 years, is ridiculous. Honestly.
If god was a villian, He'd be me.
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