Ascully is the latest website to throw up a review of Planetside. The overall score given is a 6 out of 10. Here's a quote:
- There is fun to be had in Planetside if you are a hardcore MM player, but if you are a casual player like me the fun is very short lived. One thing I have learned about the world of Planetside is that people who play this game take it very very seriously. If you try to have a bit of fun they do not appreciate you and your experience in the game will suffer for it. I think this is the same in all games where people have to part with cash on a monthly basis to maintain their gaming habit. Other games that are free to play online are much more lighthearted. I really wanted to enjoy Planetside because I'm a big FPS fan, but unfortunately I didn't. I think I will stick to being a antisocial Vice City player and keep my $12.99 a month for something else.